Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Statement of Purpose – MHA

My country India, world’s largest democracy and home to over a billion fellow country men, has a very low Doctor to patient ratio and even lower Dentist to patient ratio. This led me to take my graduation in Dentistry. My days in Dental School often made me think about management of available resourses which involved simple insurence policies, hygienic practices than treating the diseases with an ensuing dramatic increase in the cost of such treatment that the people of my country can not afford. Healthcare administration in India is not covering even half the population let alone advanced medical aid. There might be great technological strides in the field of healthcare administration but the number of people benefited is only a select few. I was exposed to certain ground realities, like there are limited doctors and infrastructure which does not function to their optimum capacity and efficiency due to lack of proper management of limited resources. In my internship program I have seen many patients who were unable to get proper treatment due to lack of available human resourses and reimbursement. In my counrty there is no proper facility of maintaining patient records, online data storage and access of every patient health record. Even people do not have a clear cut idea of How to use insurance policies and reimbursement programmes. I was already doubting my future as a career dentist because my apparent inability to help large number of people In fact right from my under graduation Health care Administration is the primary interest of all my choices. In my under graduation I am very intuitive about management of human resources in the health care system, ethical and legal perspectives on malpractice,medical records, confidentially and required disclosures,reimbursement procedures, governmental regulation and legal restraints. All this factors guided me towads the MS in Helath care administration. In the present day environment, a sound understanding of fundamentals and expertise in a chosen field of interest is essential and I strongly believe that graduate school offers opportunities to attain the above. Graduate study, being the first step towards the realization of my goals, Having been enlightened by many professors and several graduating seniors about the rigorous course work besides possessing state-of-the-art research facilities, I had no dilemma in choosing University of Newhavens as my dream university for pursuing my graduate studies. I am sure that University of Newhavens with dynamic faculty, well equipped laboratories and world renowned graduate programs would definitely help me in achieving my goals and contribute something of my own in my field of interest. I believe that with my capacity for hardwork, commendable logic and dedication to achieve my goals, I will be able to do very well in my Graduate course. I aver that I take it as a challenge and spare no effort of mine in utilizing the resources available at your university. I am sure that you will share my confidence and give me an opportunity to continue with my further studies at your esteemed university.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Catherine Smith Essay

Catherine Smith was miss-treated in this situation as she had been to the police numerous times and never was there once a charge laied against Kevin smith. The one time Catherine retaliated she was put on trial and was almost sentenced to 25 years jail for only one offence when Kevin had committed 17 offences which were 3 attempted murders and several sexual assaults. The police did nothing even know Catherine had gone to them and they did nothing at all, that was not fair on Catherine or her family. Catherine was wrongly accused of trying to kill her husband Kevin in self-defence after over 30 years, this is just like she had already been in jail and done nothing wrong. Lucky for once the judge ruled out her case as self-defence and Kevin is still out in the world hurting Catherine. In 1997 Catherine escaped but Kevin came looking for her. He kidnapped their son Duncan and held him at gun point and Kevin was charged for only kidnapping his son not for any of the other 17 crimes he had committed and only sent to jail for a couple of mouths. Catherine could not believe that this had happened on a couple of mouths this is very unfair to Catherine and her kids. During this time Catherine tried to go see all her children. But a week before he was issued on parole. Catherine and her kids had to go into lock down again. Vicky Smith says â€Å"he was obsessive. He had to find her, he had to have her, he had to control her, and he had to own her. (Daughter) Also in the time Catherine and Kevin were married he assaulted 2 police officers, stole their gun and fired at his children who were trying to run and hid, again nothing was done and he wasn’t charged. This is not fair that someone that horrible can get away with so much and thing that are so important. Kevin smith was finally sentenced for up to 10 years jail for 17 offences including rape, assault and attempted murder. His sentence was not rightly done because for attempted murder is jail time for less than 25 years and Kevin is only getting 10 years for what he has done. Also this happened over 30 years ago and Catherine was technically in jail for over 30 years and for all the things Kevin had done to Catherine and what he put his family through all he got was 10 years jail. The jury in her trial only took 25 minutes to reach a unanimous verdict of not guilty. Finally Kevin Smith was convicted for his crimes. However it took another three months for justice to be delivered, with smith repeatedly stymieing the legal process. â€Å"he was trying more stalling tactics†¦ never faced up to what’s happened,† As Catherine quotes â€Å"I can’t believe it, finally, I can tell people my address. Finally I can go and visit my grandchildren without fear. A few years of peace, that’s what this means†. â€Å"With time already served, Kevin will be eligible for parole in 2020†.

Herman Melville’s’ Moby Dick

IntroductionMoby Dick has secured the author’s reputation in the first rank of all American writers. Firstly, the novel was published in the expurgated form and was called The Whale. It was published in 1851 (Bryant 37). â€Å"Moby Dick† is an encyclopedia of the American romanticism. Here there are thousands of private observations, concerning the developments of the American bourgeois democracy and the American public consciousness. These observations were made by writers and poets, the predecessors of Melville. Here we can see the united protest of the American romantic idea against bourgeois and capitalistic progress in its national American forms.Meaning of cannibalismIn the present paper we will discuss the meaning of cannibalism in the novel (Delbanco 26). The famous citation of the chapter 65 contains deep sense that deserves thorough analysis: â€Å"Cannibals? who is not a cannibal? I tell you it will be more tolerable for the Fejee that salted down a lean mis sionary in his cellar against a coming famine; it will be more tolerable for that provident Fejee, I say, in the day of judgment, than for thee, civilized and enlightened gourmand, who nailest geese to the ground and feastest on their bloated livers in thy pate-de-foie-gras† (Melville 242).  Moby dick is also educational and true, because Romanticism believed that fiction had to be the only vehicle to describe the history of the past.The intention was to make the story interesting (Bryant 14). To understand the original meaning of cannibalism in the  novel it is important to establish principles which Melville has built the narration on. The attitude towards cannibals is described better in the story â€Å"Typee†. The connection with this story helps us understand the meaning of the abovementioned citation from â€Å"Moby Dick†.   Pictures of savages’ life drawn by writer bear all features of â€Å"an ideal life â€Å". Melville admired the life of the tribe, but we can’t but notice, however, that he was not going to offer the reader a happy life of savages as the sample for imitation. The poetic pictures drawn by the writer have another meaning. They are created for comparison with contemporary bourgeois civilization (Delbanco 26).According to Melville, Bourgeois civilization, in the kind it existed at the beginning of XIX century, had no future. â€Å"Ideality† of savages in has two aspects: natural and public (Bryant 37). In natural aspect the savage is ideal because it is fine, and it is fine because has kept the features of the physical shape lost by the civilized person (Bryant 15).Melville adhered the same principle when he spoke about â€Å"ideality† of cannibals’ social existence. A savage does not have property, and it does not know what money is. It is relieved by that of two harms of a civilization. They cannot have a desire to act in defiance of truth and validity (Bryant 15). There is no stimulus for that. The savage is not spoiled by a civilization, but it has the defects: cannibalism and heathenism. However, what do they mean in comparison with more severe, realized crimes of the civilized person?In Moby Dick Melville is rather laconic describing savages life elements, but narrates in detail about the bourgeois state and the legislation, police, crimes against society, about power of money, about religious prosecutions, noxious influence of the society on a person – all that precedes eschatological accidents (i.e. infringement of the right and morals, conflicts, the crimes of people demanding punishment of gods) (Bryant 36).Melville does not dismiss cannibalism, backwardness of intelligence and public consciousness, primitiveness of a life and many other negative phenomena in a life of â€Å"happy† savages. Speaking about some wild or even brutal customs of savages, he finds parallels in a life of a civilized society: cannibalism is a devil art w hich we find out in the invention of every possible retaliatory machines; retaliatory wars are poverty and destructions; the most furious animal in the word is the white civilized person (Delbanco 25).Symbolism as a trait of romanticism in the novelIt is not the only symbolic trait in the Moby Dick. For example, all crew members are given descriptive, biblical-sounding names and Melville avoids the exact time of all events and very details. It is the evidence of allegorical mode. It is necessary to mention the mix of pragmatism and idealism (Bryant 14).For example, Ahab desires to pursue the whale and Starbuck desires to arrange a normal commercial ship dealing with whaling business. Moby Dick can be considered as the symbolical example of good and evil (Delbanco 25). Moby Dick is like a metaphor for â€Å"elements of life that are out of people’s control†. The Pequod’s desire to kill the white whale is allegorical, because the whale represents the main life goa ls of Ahab. What is more important is that Ahab’s revenge against Moby is analogous to people’s struggling against the fate (Bryant 14).ConclusionIn conclusion it is necessary to admit that Melville thought people needed to have something to reach for in their life and the desirable goal might destroy the life of a person. Moby Dick is a real obsession which affected the life of ship crew (Bryant 37). Thus, the  system of images in â€Å"Moby Dick† makes us understand the basic ideas of the novel of Melville. Eschatological accidents often are preceded with infringement of the right and morals, conflicts and crimes of people, and the world perishes from fire, flood, cold, heat, famine. We can see this in the novel  «Moby Dick† which shows a life of the American society of the beginning of XIX century (Delbanco 15).Works citedLevine, Robert S., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville. Cambridge, UK & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.Del banco, Andrew. Melville: His World and Work. New York: Knopf, 2005Melville, Herman: Redburn, White-Jacket, Moby-Dick (G. Thomas Tanselle, ed.) (Library of America, 1983)Bryant, John, ed. A Companion to Melville Studies. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986 Bryant, John. Melville and Repose: The Rhetoric of Humor in the American Renaissance. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001

Monday, July 29, 2019

Valuation at acquisition (operational assets) Essay

Valuation at acquisition (operational assets) - Essay Example Tangible operational assets generally include assets that may be covered under the broad category of ‘Property Plant and Equipment’ like land and buildings, machineries and equipments, vehicles, and others. Such assets may be acquired by purchase or gift, or the entity may construct its own assets. Regardless of the method of acquisition, decisions need to be made as to which costs should be capitalized and which cost which should be expensed with. In addition the amounts at which such assets should be capitalize is not clear. Intangible assets have the main characteristic is that they lack physical substance. It is generally difficult to estimate the value of intangibles and there is high degree of uncertainty regarding the length of time over which they will provide revenue or future benefits to the entity. â€Å"In general, the value of an intangible asset lies in its future use, and can be estimated from the incremental profits that such use will through off.†(Farok J. Contractor,2001, page 10)1 The initial accounting for intangibles is largely dependent on whether they are purchased or developed internally. Intangible assets include patents, goodwill, copyrights, trademarks, franchises, organizational costs and others. The general rule to capitalized costs is that the purchase price of an asset and all costs incurred in preparing the asset for its intended use are capitalized as part of cost of the asset. Let us examine the capitalization aspect under both tangible (Property Plant and Equipment) and intangible assets Cost of Land that needed to be capitalized is all the expenditure on its acquisition that is incurred for getting it ready for its intended use. Such costs are purchase price and the closing costs like legal fees, fee of the attorney and registration charges. Some time an old structure exists on land being acquired. Then costs of demolishing such structure and also the expenditure relating to clearing, filling, and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Market Plan for Toyota Camry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Market Plan for Toyota Camry - Term Paper Example This term paper describes Toyota Camry as a product of the Toyota corporation and analyzes it's marketing strategies that were used by the corporation to promote the product. Toyota Camry is one of the innovative hybrid vehicles of Toyota which brings excellent benefits to the company. Though Toyota faces many challenges in their business that were compared but they successfully tackle the challenges through good marketing research and strategies used. The researcher states that Toyota uses all possible efforts to make Camry as well as other products to become successful in vehicle industry. For promoting their products Toyota company use many sales promotion campaigns that were mentioned in the term paper with an aim to build and sustain good relationship with customers and clients. One of the benefits mentioned by the researcher was that Toyota provides free check up and service to customers and financial support from bank to help customers purchase car easily. Toyota also targets its customer by running advertising campaign on various automotive websites, that are perfectly designed and developed to create a great impression on the possible customer. Toyota had developed java–based advertising in the ‘Annual Nationwide Clearance Event’ in the year 2002. In conclusion, Toyota Corporation always tries to make certain creative design and use modern technology in their vehicle to influence potential customers to buy their products and make products by considering the needs and preferences of customers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Monetary Policy and Its Implications in Belgium Research Paper

Monetary Policy and Its Implications in Belgium - Research Paper Example This meant that the signatories’ domestic currencies would not fluctuate against the Euro and each other. The Euro was initially launched as electronic money and eventually became a legal tender on 1st January the year 2002. The European Central Bank was tasked with the responsibility of implementing monetary policies on countries using the Euro (GunyeÃŒ  2004). One of the main reasons why the Euro was introduced was to provide a common currency that could be used all over Europe. It is important to note that European countries are small and trade with each other. A common currency would make trade between the European countries easier. This eliminated exchange rates that were a common hindrance to trade among the countries. The common currency was expected to be stronger than other currencies of the individual countries and this would have increased the competitiveness of exporters using the Euro. Since the Euro was incepted in the year 1999, it has remained fairly stable against the US dollar. The euro in 1999 would buy the US dollar at $1.18. This figure has since risen to $1.38. The lowest amount that the Euro has ever bought the US dollar is $0.82 and the highest ever level the Euro has ever bought the dollar remains at $1.60. Some of the member countries have been experiencing high labor costs and this has been affecting their export competitiveness in the market. In such a case a currency would devalue to solve the scenario. It is, however, impossible to devalue the Euro and this has led to major problems for countries like Greece, Portugal and Italy. This is due to the fact that they are experiencing a fall in exports. It is widely thought member countries are protected from financial crisis. However, this is not the case as Greece is experiencing a major financial crisis. The member countries are given less incentives to implement structural reform (The

Friday, July 26, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2

Human Rights - Essay Example (Fenwick, H.; â€Å"Civil Liberties and Human Rights†; 2007). The answer lies in the fact that Section 3 of the Human Rights Act, as also many other sections, hedges its bets by saying that, â€Å"so far as it is possible to do so†, primary legislation and subordinate legislation must be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with the Convention’s rights. For instance, Section 12 of the Human Rights Act emphasises the role of courts in defending the right to freedom of expression, and states that this Section applies if a court is considering â€Å"whether to grant any relief which, if granted, might affect exercise of the Convention right to freedom of expression†. (Coppel, J; â€Å"Human Rights Act 1998: Enforcing the European Convention on Human Rights in Domestic Courts†; 1999) Moreover, it is considered unlawful for a court to act in a manner contrary to a Convention right â€Å"unless obliged to act in such a way by a provision of primary legislation†. ( ( 1998/ukpga/19980042_en_1) Incidentally, discretionary increase in police powers has landed the UK Government at least once in the soup. Article 15 of the Convention states in Para 1 that â€Å"in times of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation, any contracting party may take measures derogating from its obligations under the Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with its other obligations under international law†. However, in the case of Brogan and others v United Kingdom (1988; II EHRR 117) four persons were arrested on the suspicion that they were provisional members of the IRA, and detained under Section 12 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 1984.They were released after four-to-six days. They claimed that Britain had violated several parts of the Article 5 of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 57

Case study - Essay Example This needs a consent and disclosure form that should be separate from all job application form. The list of present and past addresses is the foundation for a systematic background check. Knowing where the person has lived is crucial for deciding where to search for criminal records and looking for time gaps as well, and mismatches of location compared to the information given by the applicant. An individual’s social security number (SSN) gets  given between their first job (victor, 2010). Hence, an SSN validation one can know if the applicant has a particular SSN one gave or the applicant is lying. The best searches for criminal background get carried out at person counties since there is no centralized entity to control every criminal record. One of the reason is the likelihood of getting criminal record is high in an individual’s present county residence because several crimes take place near their work or home. County searches are useful since misdemeanors and felonies normally get prosecuted at county courts court, and their results may not be reported to the state. Victor (2010) states, Background checks should get offered before employment. This is due to the sensitivity of the information in the applicant reports and particular records. To avoid getting information that would discriminate against the applicant, they are free to know where the origin of information used against them. Also, they should consent before the employer obtains a credit report. How to carry out background checks online: research and choose a company to conduct background checks on the applicants. Register for the website. Then request background checks. Once one clears registration, start requesting for background checks from the company by putting pertinent data for the applicant as prompted (Victor, 2010). It is risky since one

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Investing in Portfolios and CAPM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investing in Portfolios and CAPM - Essay Example If the investor chooses alternative 1 and invests all the money in Evergreen, then he can earn a return of 13.8%. Since Evergreen is a safe company, therefore the standard deviation of returns is quite low and risk coefficient is only 0.11. One must keep in mind that by investing in this company, the investor is foregoing chance of earning high returns. In other words, the investor is foregoing chance of earning high returns for increased safety by investing in this company. On the other hand, in the case of alternative 2, if the investor decides to invest in more dynamic of the two companies ACE limited, then the investor is foregoing safety of investment for high returns. This will enable the investor to earn a return which is as high as 25%. However, the risk coefficient and standard deviation for this investment is also higher at 0.31 and 7.6% respectively. A third option is to invest in the form of an equally weighted portfolio. In this case, the returns have increased from what the investor could earn by investing solely in Evergreen and at the same time the high risk of investing in Ace Ltd has also been reduced. The returns have increased from 13.8% to 19% and at the same time risk coefficient has decreased from 0.31 to 0.2. In the case of alternative 4, the investor will invest heavily in Evergreen and take very small exposure in ACE. This option is probably the worst alternative because the returns of this option are not very high, but the risk has greatly increased to 0.47. In the above scenario, we can see that the returns have increased when the investor has decided to invest in portfolios and at the same time risk coefficient has gone down. This tells us that diversification leads to lower risk and high return. However, one must keep in mind that diversification only minimizes one type of risk that an investor faces. There is another kind of risk which is known as systematic risk and it cannot be eliminated no matter how well diversified the portf olio is. Hence, there is always some chance of investors losing money even if the money is invested in the form of a portfolio. The correlation coefficient above shows that the investment in Evergreen and Ace is negatively correlated. A shrewd investor always try to invest in companies that are negatively correlate so that the downward trend in the returns of one business can be offset by the increased returns on the other investment in the same portfolio. However, since these two investments are not perfectly correlated, the portfolio is not well balance and some side will be higher than another and investor can face periods of high returns or loss depending on the market situation. It can be concluded from studying the above alternatives that it is wise for investors to not to take large exposures on one single stock. The investors should try to construct portfolios that should give equal or close weightage to all the companies in the portfolios in order to enjoy the benefits of r isk diversification. If there is one company in the portfolio which has higher weightage than the other companies ten the portfolio’s performance will be highly dependent on that one company and benefits of diversification will disappear. TASK 2: Capital Asset Pricing Model is a tool to

Business Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Leadership - Essay Example Good communication skills includes sending the appropriate message, to the correct audience, in such a fashion that others will be inspired to listen. One expert in leadership suggests that â€Å"if you don’t believe in it, no one else will† (Forster, 2009, 323). This suggests a leader who maintains high volumes of outward self-confidence and uses an effective scan of the audience in order to choose the best methodology for getting others to believe in your own personal or business-related vision. Ralph Nader, a high-profile consumer advocate in the United States, who is actively involved in political affairs for the betterment of citizens, offers that â€Å"the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers† (Ruperalia, 2007). Having quality communication skills, especially in the business environment, will engage others to listen to new ideas and be flexible in the face of developing business situations. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation and one of the world’s most high-profile billionaires, offers that he is â€Å"a great believer in any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other† (Bagyura, 2007, 20). Gates has been actively involved in community and charity work on an international level for many years since the inception of Microsoft and uses his quality communication skills in public meetings, annual reports, and live news broadcasts.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The market and Krispy Kreme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The market and Krispy Kreme - Essay Example The paper tells that a worldwide doughnut company was born in an old building on July 13, 1937. Krispy Kreme was established in Winston-Salem, North Carolina by Vernon Rudolph. Then just a store, Krispy Kreme used a classified recipe for yeast-raised doughnuts. Because of the very appealing aroma of freshly cooked doughnuts, mere passers-by would inquire to ask if they can have an order of the freshly cooked treat. With such request from customers, Rudolph then put a hole on an outside wall of the store to make the fresh and hot Krispy Kreme doughnut more accessible to its buyers. Most of the time, it is the product’s consistency whether in taste or in quality that appears to be the problem. Krispy Kreme is not an exemption to this inconsistency. For the company to be able to hurdle over this hindrance in quality, Krispy Kreme constructed a mixing plant and a distributing system that will deliver the perfect Krispy Kreme doughnut mix. The company did not just bring an original yeast-raised doughnut to the market but also a technology that will increase product consistency in its stores. The 1940s and 50s were the decades that Rudolph and his equipment engineers created Krispy Kreme’s own doughnut-making machineries. Even if the company was just starting to expand its market across the state, it was pretty obvious that Vernon Rudolph cared about the quality of the products that his company will be giving out to its market. This proves that the company is putting their customers first and not just the amount of money the company can make. As long as the customers are happy, the satisfaction that the doughnuts are bringing to its patrons will equate to the company’s well-earned income. The quality consistency hurdle was surpassed by the company. Although, it was considered as a challenge since Krispy Kreme was just starting its ground on broader market, the problem was properly addressed by Rudolph and a contingency plan was made to ensure tha t the public and the patrons of the products will get the quality products that they deserve. Delivering the mixture on a daily basis increased the expenses of the company. To cut the expenses being brought by the regular transportation of the mixture, Rudolph together with his equipment engineers developed Krispy Kreme’s own doughnut-making machineries. It was a wise marketing strategy in ensuring the quality of the products that are being produced by the different stores and still be able to achieve the desired profit out of the stores. A decade was dedicated to further develop and systematize the whole doughnut-making process (KrispyKreme.Com, 2009; David & Musa, 2008, p. 26). The first international Krispy Kreme store was opened on December 2001 in Canada near Toronto. The company further expanded its market to Australia and Europe in 2003. Asia, Southern America and the Middle East were the next markets that the doughnut company explored. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (KKD) was able to expand their markets in 5 continents in less than a decade. KKD has a total of 123 stores in 5 continents by the 28th of January 2007. Two hundred thirty nine KKD factory stores and 33 satellite stores were operating giving a total of 272 stores nationwide (KrispyKreme.Com, 2009; David & Musa, 2008, p. 27). KKD then focused more on the markets in Asia and the Middle East. Demographically, KKD perceives that these 2 locations will be more favorable for its products. Asia and the Middle East have high consumptions of sweet goods which will work pretty well for the company’s signature products. It has also been noted that Western products have high popularity in these Eastern locations. The future success of KKD in these places given the fore mentioned facts appears to be very promising (David & Musa, 2008, p. 27). The Asian and Middle East markets is showing very good potential with regards to KKD’s success. There is one market that the company

Monday, July 22, 2019

Travel with Companion Essay Example for Free

Travel with Companion Essay After working hard or finishing courses, many people want to have a tour which they have fun and relax. Many people like to travel with a companion ; other people prefer to travel alone. So I love traveling with friends more than traveling alone because it is convenient and brings me a lot of memories. Firstly, traveling with my best friends is great and gives me many nice memories. Also, it brings more fun because you can do a lot of things, and different people have different ideas on what to do. For example, we can go sightseeing, eat and take photos together. For one thing, I can share happiness with others instead of enjoying it lonely even the landscape is really graceful. For another thing, we can take care of each other because we are friends. On the other hand, I can save tour expenditure when traveling with friends. That is a reason why many people do not like to travel alone. I can rent double rooms, king-size rooms instead of renting only a single room. Besides, I think it is a bit troublesome to travel with friends because I will always feel safe, especially if I am going to somewhere dangerous. For instance, if I am travel sick and need to take medicine, someone can help me. In conclusion, I assured that my tour will be happier if I go with my friends. This brings nice memories and convenience to me. Therefore, I can enjoy my tour wonderfully.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Beautiful Mind Reflection Paper

A Beautiful Mind Reflection Paper A Beautiful Mind is a beautiful and enlightening depiction of a terrible and mind boggling journey of a struggling schizophrenic genius. This movie, first aired in 2001, takes the viewer through the experience of John Nash, a mathematical genius whom developed schizophrenia in his early adulthood. Personally, I believed this movie was both terrifying and incredibly mind opening. To read about a schizophrenic patient is one thing, but to view how they cope with everyday situations, and how their familys deal with their adapted lifestyle is an entirely different view. Of course hearing about schizophrenic episodes can be terrifying for anyone, but physically viewing this depiction of the difficult journey this serious psychological disorder can throw you down is an enlightening experience. Hollywoods take on his journey was, of course, modified to adapt to socially acceptable standards, but dug deep to the core of how schizophrenia tears you apart from the inside. In my opinion, the treatment used on John Nash was highly extreme, yet suitable for the conditions he was under at the time. John Nash underwent electric shock therapy. In this type of treatment, he was electrocuted in order to reduce his psychological symptoms. Personally I believe this was a short-term temporary fix. At the time the treatment was in progress, this was the most effective treatment to temporarily reduce episodes of schizophrenic action. Medication had not been certified to work quite yet, and when the episodes became physically harmful, an extreme procedure needed to take place in order to halt the self-harm. John Nash, was a paranoid schizophrenic. Paranoid Schizophrenics always believe they, as well as their family members, are under some sort of attack. These type of schizophrenic patients deal with false conspiracies made up in their head. Usually, those experiencing this type of the disease also deal with vivid hallucinations. These hallucinations can either be auditory or visual. John Nash, for example, experienced both visual hallucinations with his roommate, boss, and roommates niece, as well as auditory hallucinations such as the three figures of his imaginations telling him what to do, where to go, and who to listen to. Those experiencing this type of schizophrenia tend to hold the most capability to function with everyday life. Disorganized schizophrenia is another type of this serious psychological disease. This disease, also called hebephrenia, displays the most difficult type of schizophrenia when it comes to dealing with everyday situations. Incoherency in thought and speech is completely common, as well as delusions or hallucinations. Those experiencing disorganized schizophrenia seem emotionless or show emotions that can be looked upon as inappropriate in the specific situation in which they are displayed. Personal hygiene maintenance can also be a deteriorating common result of this specific type of schizophrenia. Catatonic Schizophrenia, a third type is a very physical type of Schizophrenia. Individuals with this type usually exert one of the following: Catatonic excitement, which is hyperactivity, or catatonic stupor. Catatonic schizophrenics can hold the same body position for an extended period of time regardless of the negative effect it has on their body. These body positions can often cause great pain to those holding them, and can lead to swelling and harmful long-term effects. The final, and least heard of type of Schizophrenia is Undifferentiated. Undifferentiated Schizophrenics exert symptoms of schizophrenia that does not necessarily fall into one of the other three subtypes, causing it to be, well, undifferentiated. Although a patient with this type of the disease may experience both positive and negative symptoms, as any other Schizophrenic would, their episodes may fluctuate more over a period of time. This type of Schizophrenia is extremely difficult to diagnose because before concluding this subtype, all other brain diseases and mood disorders must be proved completely absent. After concluding a patient does indeed have Schizophrenia, tests for specific subtypes will be performed. If a clear result cannot be named from those tests the patient will then be named undifferentiated. The effects of living with schizophrenia can be excruciating on both the patient suffering, and their family. Being the patient is extremely difficult, being completely ignorant of the real world, obeying mere figments of the imagination, and believing they are the correct voice to follow must be extremely difficult to deal with. Effects can be physical on the patient. Physical effects could be self-harm, whether the patient believes they did it, or the figure made up in their head, as well as mental obviously by imagining figures and people that are not there whatsoever. Although effects are difficult on the patient, I truly believe it is far more exhausting and frustrating on the family members of the patient. When you are the patient, there is no knowledge of whether what you see or talk to is actually there. As a family member, you have to sit back and watch your loved one talk to thin air, knowing that there is nothing you can do help them except tell them they are being foolish and hope they do not lash back out of frustration. If almost everyone and everything I knew to be true never really existed, I feel as though my life would not have changed, but my agitation would have dramatically increased. My life would not have changed because I would not have been able to tell the difference. Maybe just as John Nash did, I may have been able to eventually notice the fact that the people never age, the scenery never changed, but to me it would all be completely normal leaving me oblivious to the fact that everything I believed in was fake. I believe my agitation would have increased because those that were in fact real would point out my flaws, point out reality from my world of imagination, and due to me not being capable to understand what they are trying to relay to me, I would become instantly frustrated. I personally, as hard as it is to say, do not think I could live with a person who has schizophrenia. Losing complete touch with reality is extremely difficult for the patient, but harder on those that have to observe it. Loving someone before they develop the disorder and seeing the way they dramatically digress over time can be exhausting and frustrating, not to mention scary as you watch everything you knew in a person slowly disappear. Although there are episodes of a sense of normal behavior, the episodes of abnormal behavior outnumber them. I would not want to live in the constant fear of worrying about the safety of my family, my self, or my loved one. I believe society treats people with mental disorders as freaks of nature, prisoners to the world. Rather than being as normal as possible, or looking to accommodate to the sufferers reality, society has morphed all mental disorders into one big lump and treats every patient, regardless of their disorder, with the same attitude and actions. Talking slower, acting as if they are incognizant of being a human being, members of todays society have torn apart the pride of those with disorders as if they are helping them. This behavior, in my opinion, is justifiable. As much as I do not personally agree with the treatment those suffering from a psychological disorder receive, I do believe it can be justified due to the lack of knowledge with each individual disease and person. What are the chances that someone can come across a person on the street and know exactly what they are suffering from, if they suffer at all, just by the look of them? Unless you hold a conversation with the individual, most times a disorder cannot be clearly pinpointed. Therefore, members of todays society have developed one general behavior because they are ignorant of what they are coming across. The lack of knowledge regarding psychological disorders and the effect they have on the body causes average human beings to simply treat every individual equally once believing they are different than themselves.

The Importance Of Heat Integration In Distillation Columns Engineering Essay

The Importance Of Heat Integration In Distillation Columns Engineering Essay The combination of high crude oil prices due to increasing energy demand and concern about pollution has led researchers to exploring the possibilities of more energy efficient and environmentally friendly process technologies. The importance of distillation as a separation technique has made making it more energy efficient a high priority. Consequently, many heat integrated design schemes have been produced through the decades that it has been investigated and many of these techniques are outlined in this report along with some current commercial schemes. However, this technology has not been fully commercialised and this is mainly due to the high initial investment costs and the complexities of the equipment design, control schemes and operation. There is also a lack of real experimental data that is needed in order to verify the many theoretical predictions that claim that large energy saving are possible. Several areas have been identified as in need of further research in the fu ture to hopefully allow this technology to become an industrial standard and not just a theory. Introduction 1.1 The Importance of Heat Integration in Distillation Columns The combined threat of increasing energy demands and costs, global warming and the increased dependence upon oil imported from politically unstable parts of the world have resulted in an interest in enhancing the thermodynamic efficiency of current industrial processes. Increasing energy efficiency in chemical processes not only provides economic benefits but also it leads to reduce the emissions resulting from the process operation. Distillation is perhaps the most important and widely used separation technique in the world today as it is used for about 95% of all fluid separation in the chemical industry. In the US, about 10% of the industrial energy consumption accounts for distillation while it accounts for an estimated 3% of the world energy consumption. More than 70% of the operation costs are caused by the energy expenses (Nakaiwa et al. 2003.) It is a fact that the energy consumption in distillation and CO2  gases produced in the atmosphere are strongly related as the highe r the energy demands are the larger the CO2  emissions to the atmosphere are. This is due to the energy being mostly generated through the combustion of fossil fuel. Despite its apparent importance the overall thermodynamic efficiency of a conventional distillation is only around 5-20% (Jana, 2009). Clearly, improving on this value is imperative and a top priority objective. In order to achieve this, the concept of heat integration was introduced almost 70  years ago (Jana, 2009.) The basic idea of heat integration is that the hot process streams are heat exchanged with cold process streams which results in a more economic use of resources. Consequently a whole range of heat integrated distillation schemes have been proposed. In a conventional distillation column (Figure  1) with a feed, a top product and a bottom product, heat is added at the bottom of the stripping section. In distillation, heat is used as the separating agent. The heat is conventionally supplied at the bottom reboiler in order to evaporate a liquid mixture but is lost when liquefying the overhead vapour at the reflux condenser. The temperature of this heat corresponds to the highest temperature point in the distillation column. The temperature of the heat rejected at the top of the rectifying section corresponds to the lowest temperature point in the distillation column. Thus, distillation involves the loss of heat from a higher temperature level to a lower temperature level in order to perform the work of separation. The efficiency of distillation is reduced if the heat rejected in the rectifying section of the distillation column is not reutilized (Smith, 2005.) This is the principle from which heat integration of distillation is m ainly based. Full-size image (28 K) Figure A schematic representation of a conventional distillation column (Kiran, 2012) 1.2 Benefits and Drawbacks of Heat Integration The possible benefits of heat integration tend to be potential energy savings due to greater efficiency and also less waste. Unfortunately due to a number of issues the technology has yet to be commercialised. Installation of any type of heat integration will entail a higher capital investment than that of any standard distillation column due to the increased complexity of the design. Also, the amount by which the efficiency is improved by is not always substantial in certain cases and therefore it must be considered whether the perceived benefits from the greater efficiency outweigh those of the added costs. The increased complexity can also increase the difficulty of designing, operating and controlling the system. There has also been a lack of experimental data for large scale examples to verify theoretical predictions. A successful heat integrated column design would show positive energy savings at reasonable economic figures that can be effectively operated and controlled. 2. Energy-efficient distillation techniques This section discusses some of the many heat integrated techniques that have so far been proposed with the purpose of improving the energy efficiency of separation processes. 2.1 Pseudo-Petlyuk column The thermally coupled distillation scheme was first patented by Brugma in 1937. The process is used for separating a ternary feed and consists of a conventional prefractionator and side stream tower. Both of these parts are equipped with a reboiler and a condenser. The unit is divided vertically by a wall through a set of trays in order to keep the feed stream and side product separated. It was Wolff and Skogestad (1995)who referred to this set up as a pseudo-petluk column. However, their research led to some concerns about serious issues during operation for high purity separations which would limit the effective use of this system in many cases (Wolff, 1995.) 2.2 The Divided-Wall Column The elimination of the prefractionator unit from the pseudo-Petlyk column leads to a configuration known as the divided-wall column (DWC) (Robin Smith et al, 1992.) It is displayed in figure 2. It is achieved by introducing a vertical partition into a distillation column to arrange a prefractionator and a main column inside a single shell. The advantage of this partitioned column is that a ternary mixture can be distilled into pure product streams with only one distillation structure, one condenser and one reboiler. Naturally the cost of the separation is reduced along with the number of equipment units which leads to a reduced initial investment cost. Subsequently, further research has been undertaken with for example Agrawal (2001) discussing for multicomponent mixture separation the various types of partitioned columns and their advantages and disadvantages. However, as a result of the lack of experience in design and control, the dividing wall columns were yet to be extensively used in industry. This is changing though and there has been a rapid growth in the number of units in use. In 2004 there were 40 units used worldwide (Adrian et al, 2004) Full-size image (11 K) Figure A schematic representation of a Petlyuk distillation column (also known as divided-wall column) (Jana, 2009). 2.3. Petlyuk column Petlyuk et al (1965) presented a detailed theoretical study on a divided-wall column called the Petlyuk column. This reduced Petlyuk structure involves low initial investment and consumes less energy which reduces the operating costs. However, upon comparison with a conventional distillation unit the Petlyuk column has many more degrees of freedom in both design and operation which can cause difficulty when designing the column and creating a control system. As displayed in figure 3, the two-column Petlyk configuration will commonly consist of a prefractionator connected to a distillation shell equipped with only one condenser and reboiler (Jana, 2009.). The thermal coupling in a Petyluk scheme has lead to large energy savings. Unfortunately, little progress has been made with regard to improving operation and control of the structure which hinders its usability. . Full-size image (20 K) Figure A schematic representation of a two-column Petlyuk structure. (Jana,2009) 2.4 Multi-Effect Column The basic idea of this method for separating multicomponent mixtures is to use the overhead vapour of the one column as the heat source in the reboiler for the next column. The columns may be heat integrated in the direction of the mass flow which is forward integration or back integration can be used with is in the opposite direction. A sample column that represents a multi-effect column with a prefractionator for a ternary mixture separation is displayed in figure 4. Full-size image (19 K) Figure A schematic representation of a multi-effect system for ternary (A-C) feed mixture (Jana, 2009) This integrated arrangement has been proved to provide considerable energy savings (Cheng et al, 1985.) However, the issue preventing commercialisation of the process is the operation difficulties owed to the nonlinear, multivariable and interactive nature of the process (Han et al, 1996.) More research must be undertaken to try and find appropriate solutions before there can be a more extensive use for this system and to make use of the energy saving potential. 2.5 Heat Pump-assisted Distillation Column The heat pump is mainly used as a way for increasing the thermal economy of a single distillation column. The heat pump-assisted distillation column or vapour recompression column (VRC) was implemented as an energy-efficient process for the chemical industries after an oil crisis in 1973 (Jana, 2009.) In the system the overhead vapour is pressurised by a compressor to the point where it can be condensed at an increased temperature which will supply the heat required in the reboiler. A schematic representation of this can be seen in figure 5. Full-size image (14 K) Figure A schematic representation of a heat pump-assisted distillation column (Jana, 2009) There are potentially large energy savings to be made, mainly for fractionating close boiling mixtures. This is due to the small temperature difference between the top and bottom of the column which will result in small compression ratios and consequently small compressor duties being required (De Rijke, 2007.) For a conventional distillation column attempting to fractionate the same close boiling mixture there will be a higher reflux ratio and thus larger reboiler duties would be required. The drawback for this technique is the high capital costs. Reducing the cost of running the heat pump-assisted distillation column would certainly increase its cost effectiveness and make it more viable as an option. 2.6 Heat integrated distillation column Using heat pump technology it is possible for separate rectifying columns and stripping columns to be heat integrated internally. This structure is a heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC.) Originally only part of the stripping and rectifying sections were integrated under the name of the SRV scheme but later column design has incorporated heat integration between the whole rectifying and stripping sections (Jana, 2009.) Figure 6 displays a typical partial energy integrated distillation scheme. Full-size image (26 K) Figure A schematic representation of a partial HIDiC scheme (Jana, 2009)) In this configuration the stripping column operates at pressure lower than the rectifying column. A compressor and throttling valve are installed in order to adjust the pressures. The pressure differential means there will be a corresponding difference in operating temperature which allows energy to be transferred between the two columns through heat exchangers. Reflux flow for the rectifying section and vapour flow for the stripping section is generated from the heat exchanged between the rectifying hot vapour and the stripping cold liquids. This allows the reboiler heat load to be substantially reduced. Less energy is consumed the more heat that is exchanged and through appropriate process design it can be possible for reflux and/or reboil free operations to be performed. It has been shown that the HIDiC, compared to the VRC, can lead to energy savings of about 50% (Sun et al, 2003.) However, the structure has a very complex design and requires large capital investment (Jana, 2009.) Meanwhile it has also been found find that there are many binary feed separations where HIDiC is actually less energy efficient than simple heat pump schemes using only one or two heat transfer locations. Furthermore, it was shown that the energy efficiency of HIDiC cannot be solely decided based on the feed composition or product purities as many calculations are based. A better performance indicator is the temperature profile along the height of the rectifying section relative to the corresponding temperature profile in the stripping section (Herron ,2011) Research is ongoing, focussing on the dynamics and the thermodynamic efficiency aspects while extensive research was undertaken by Suphanit (2011) focussing on optimal heat distribution depending on the column arrangement and number of heat exchangers. Suphanit also produced a couple of potential schemes display in figure 7. Full-size image (41 K) Figure Fig. 2. Internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC) (a) and HIDiC constructed in a concentric column (b) (Suphanit, 2011) The development of HIDiC has now reached the pilot plant stage in some countries such as Japan and the Netherlands.  Despite this, further research, both in terms of design and hardware development issues, is still needed before this application can be fully established and accepted in commercial use while further detailed study on the economic evaluation of this column structure is needed in order to ensure its advantage over more conventional schemes (Suphanit, 2011.) 2.7 Heat Integrated Batch Distillation Column Batch distillation is generally known to be a less energy efficient option than its continuous counterpart. However, the batch distillation is extensively used in pharmaceutical, fine and specialty chemicals industry due to its greater flexibility where the demand and lifetime of the products can be uncertain and may vary significantly with time. Jana (2009) proposed a novel heat integrated batch distillation column (HIBDC.) The proposal was based on a binary batch distillation example that separates an equimolar ethanol/water mixture. In comparison with the conventional batch process, the HIBDC also includes a compressor. The produced vapour in this concentric reboiler is firstly compressed and is then introduced at the bottom of the rectifier. This results in a pressure difference between the rectifier and reboiler. Consequently, energy is exchanged from the rectifier to the reboiler through the internal wall and brings the downward liquid flow for the former and upward vapour flow for the latter. This reduces the reboiler and condenser heat loads. However, an additional compressor duty is involved in the thermally coupled column. Full-size image (28 K) Figure Schematic of a heat integrated batch distillation column (HIBDC) [D = distillate rate (kmol/h), L1 = flow rate of liquid leaving 1st tray (kmol/h), nt = top tray, Qc = condenser duty (kW), Qn = rate of internal heat transfer from nth tray (kW),R = ref reflux rate (kmol/h),  VB  =  vapor boil-up rate (kmol/h)] (Jana, 2009) From the investigation it was observed that the HIBDC system appears overwhelmingly superior to its conventional stand alone column providing a significant savings in energy as well as cost. The potential energy integration leads to achieving about 56.10% energy savings and 40.53% savings in total annual cost. However, a single example comparing different configurations does not indicate that the proposed method would perform equally successfully for all mixtures. Therefore it was proposed that further investigation would take place in the future to come to a full conclusion as to the future promise of this technique. Takamatsu et al. (1998) also performed a comparative study between the heat integrated batch distillation and the conventional batch distillation that proved the superiority of the heat integrated scheme over its conventional counterpart in terms of energy efficiency. However, no more development has been found with regard to energy-efficient batch distillation. 2. 8 Intensified Heat Integrated Ternary Distillation Column Kiran et al. (2012) extensively investigated a novel intensified heat integrated ternary distillation column (int-HITDiC.) Their objective was to show that the int-HITDiC was superior in terms of energy consumption and economics than its general form, namely the HITDiC and the conventional standalone column. It was also investigated that the traditional HITDiC scheme shows a reasonable energy household and better economic figures than the conventional standalone column. The int-HITDiC is a hybrid scheme which gets the advantage of both the HIDiC and VRC strategies. It was found that this kind of heat integration could help to improve the process design not only in terms of thermodynamic efficiency but also in terms of capital investment. The intensified scheme can be classified into two different structure based on the number of compressors: the single compressor int-HITDiC and the double compressor int-HITDiC. From experimentation it was found that the double compressor system provided the best performance in terms of cost and energy consumption where it produced a maximum energy saving of 59.15%. Another attraction of the proposed double compressor int-HITDiC was its least payback time of excess capital which was 3.44 years. The performance of this proposed thermal integration techniques was measured using a ternary distillation system. A more general conclusion regarding energy and economic viewpoints could be found by extending its application to other example processes and checking for a consistent performance. An issue that should be mentioned regarding intensification is that although economic benefit is usually achieved the operability of the column tends to be reduced. Also, if the HIDiC is sensitive to disturbances then potentially the economic, safety and environmental performance may be unfavourably affected (Kiran et al, 2012.) 2.9 Internally Heat-Integrated Reactive Distillation Processes Internally heat-integrated distillation and reactive distillation are two promising technologies that can potentially result in considerable economical benefits. Jiao et al. (2012) conducted a study regarding internally heat-integrated reactive distillation; a technology which combines internally heat-integrated distillation and reactive distillation and is employed in order to further enhance the advantages of both technologies. The study tested three ideal quaternary systems, that reactive distillation processes with internal heat integration have been designed to use, to find which had the best potential for decreasing the total annual cost. These systems are types IP  and IIP  with stoichiometric design and also type IR which has excess design. In the case of type IP which has the reaction zone located in the centre of the reactive distillation column (RDC,) M-HIRDC will provide the highest economical benefit for the endothermic and exothermic reactions, chemical equilibrium constants and various relative volatilities. Here the reaction rate in the reactive trays in the high pressure section increases while in the reactive trays located in the pressure section the reaction rate will decrease. It is desirable to use HIRDC. The reaction zone is located at the bottom of the RDC when using type IIP  . Here the process with M-HIRDC will have better economical design than that of a conventional reaction distillation process in the case of both exothermic and endothermic reactions. The M-HIRDCs reactive trays are mostly positioned in the low-pressure section. Due to low pressure and temperature values the reaction rate is also smaller. It can be concluded that there are only minimal benefits to using HIRDC. The final system, type IR, has its reaction zone placed at the top of the RDC. This process shows the smallest total annual cost for the endothermic and exothermic reactions. The reactive trays are situated in the HP section and due to the increased temperature and pressure values the reaction rate is also increased. Thus, HIRDC is again a desirable operation. In conclusion, when the reaction zone is situated at the top of the column the lowest total annual cost will be found for the RDC. 2.10 Externally Heat-Integrated Double Distillation Column Liu et al. (2011) investigated the potential of externally heat-integrated double distillation columns (EHIDDiC.) In terms of the separation of an ideal binary mixture of hypothetical components A and B, the synthesis and design of the EHIDDiC were studied with the assumption of a constant pressure elevation between the low-pressure (LP) to the high-pressure (HP) distillation columns that are involved. It was found employing between one and three external heat exchangers results in a reasonable design option for the EHIDDiC. When a number of external heat exchangers greater than three were employed the process configuration has to be carefully determined as the increase in number of stages externally heat-integrated may not actually be beneficial to the system performance. This is due to the strong mass and heat couple between the LP and HP distillation columns that are involved and reflects the unique feature of the EHIDDiC. To reduce capital investment, the total external heat exchange areas should be installed through as small a number of heat exchangers as possible. The extreme situation would be the employment of a single external heat exchanger which would need knowledge in arranging the total heat heat transfer areas between the HP and LP distillation columns involved. These findings are of great significance both to process synthesis and design. A novel decentralised control scheme was also proposed for use for EHIDDiC operation. (Liu et al, 2011.) Huang et al. (2011) investigated three different configurations for externally heat-integrated double distillation columns performances for separating a binary mixture of ethylene and ethane. The configurations were a symmetrical EHIDDiC (S-EHIDDiC), an asymmetrical EHIDDiC (A-EHIDDiC), and a simplified asymmetrical EHIDDiC (SA-EHIDDiC), which were compared with respect to aspects related to process design and controllability. It was found that the A-EHIDDiC and SA-EHIDDiC were both superior to the S-EHIDDiC in terms of thermodynamic efficiency as well as in terms of process dynamics and controllability. Upon comparing the A -EHIDDiC and SA-EHIDDiC, the latter showed similar behaviour with the former in terms of process design and controllability. These results demonstrated that the asymmetrical configuration should generally be favoured over the symmetrical one for the development of the EHIDDiC (Huang et al, 2011.) 2.11 The structured heat integrated distillation column Krikken et als (2012) recent investigation into a structured heat integrated distillation column showed that a plate-packing configuration using structured packing gave a superior performance in comparison with the HIDIC based on the plate-fin heat exchanger. Further experimentation showed that the mass transfer and heat transfer efficiency increased significantly with increasing throughput. However, this was accompanied by an increasing pressure drop per stage. By simulating an industrial scale plate-packing unit it was found that an even better performance is possible through increasing the volumetric thermal load by further optimisation of the internals. The principle of a S-HIDiC is shown in figure 9. Here the rectifier and the stripper are alternatively stacked in a sandwich of layers which creates a high surface area for the heat and mass transfer while maintaining a high voidage. Full-size image (36 K) Figure Flow scheme of an S-HIDiC.(Krikken et al, 2012) Internals are used inside the layers to optimize the HIDIC performance. In the plate-packing HIDiC, which was developed and tested in this study, both heat and mass transfer are in balance at an acceptable pressure drop. This result of this is a column design providing substantial cost and energy savings. It could be possible to optimise the column configuration even further by decreasing the number of heat integrated stages and by increasing the volumetric thermal load but research is ongoing with regard to this. It is also important to note that the results obtained were purely based on one experience with conventional packed columns so further optimisation of the performance through adjustment of the internals is required. It was also noted that in order to achieve this development of design models would be useful (Krikken et al, 2012.) 2.12 Other Noteworthy Techniques Other techniques worth mentioning but are not explored in detail here are the inter-coupled column, concentric HIDiC, the fractionating heat-exchanger (all outlined by Jana, 2009,) control systems for heat integrated distillation systems with a multicomponent stream (Amidpour et al. 2012) and membrane distillation system using heat exchanger networks (Lu et al. 2012.) 3 Industrial Applications 3.1 Using i-HIDiC to Separate a Close-boiling Mixture It has already been proven that HIDiC can be superior in terms of energy savings when compared to other thermally coupled and conventional distillation columns. In an attempt to broaden the application of the ideal integration concept the economical and operational feasibility of the i-HIDiC scheme has been explored for the use in separating components of a close-boiling multicomponent mixture. It was found to be possible to employ two ideal HIDiCs to separate a hypothetical close boiling ternary mixture and two options of a direct and indirect sequence have been considered just as with its conventional equivalent. It has been previously found that it possible to achieve 30% to 50% energy savings for the separation of two close-boiling mixtures using a HIDiC (Iwakabe et al, 2006.) However it was then found that the ideal HIDiC system is even more thermodynamically efficient than a conventional distillation system (Huang et al, 2007.) Huang et al. (2007) found a process that was conducted with minimization of the total annual cost in mind. They analysed the closed-loop controllability for the ternary mixture separation using the i-HIDiC and the intensified i-HIDiC. Upon comparison it was shown that the intensified i-HIDiC showed worse closed loop control performance with large overshoots and a longer settling out time due to the positive feedback mechanism that is involved within the intensified structure. 3.2 Heat-integrated Extractive Distillation It is not possible to separate a binary mixture which has a very low value of relative volatility as the two components will evaporate at almost the same temperature and at a similar rate. For such cases extractive distillation can be utilised where a third components called solvent (which is a high boiling and relatively non-volatile component) is added in order to alter the relative volatility of the original feed components. It has previously been investigated as to the effectiveness and operation feasibility of several energy-integrated extractive distillation technologies including the divided-wall column, Petlyuk column and heat-integrated extractive distillation scheme (Abushwireb et al, 2007.) The work included a comparison between energy-integrated extractive distillation columns and conventional extractive distillation technique based on the recovery of aromatics from pyrolysis gasoline using a solvent called  N-methylpyrolidone. The optimum design was found through using a minimal total annual cost as the objective function. The conclusion of the study was that the designed extractive distillation schemes should meet all expectations in terms of energy consumption and purity of cuts. It was shown that the heat-integrated extractive distillation configuration is the preferred option ahead of the Petlyuk column, divided-wall column and conventional column. 3.3 Separating Close-boiling Mixtures using Heat Integrated Pressure-swing Distillation Three commonly used techniques for fractionating a binary close-boiling mixture are azeotropic distillation, extractive distillation and pressure swing distillation (PSD.) The first two techniques require a third component called a solvent that enhances the relative volatility of the components that are to be separated. This can lead to certain drawbacks such as the solvent never being completely removed thus adding impurity to the products, the cost of solvent recovery, the loss of solvent and potential environmental concerns (Treybal, 1980.) These potential issues with using a solvent have allowed the PSD approach to emerge as an attractive alternative option. An important prerequisite for the use of a PSD column is that the azeotrope separate has to be pressure sensitive. Here you have a low pressure (LP) distillation column and high pressure (HP) distillation column that are combined to avoid the azeotropic point. The inclusion of the HP and LP columns in the PSD configuration allows for the possibility of heat integration to be explored. Two appropriate types of energy integration for PSD processes were shown by K. Huang et al. (2008.) The first is the condenser/reboiler type heat integration where the condenser of the HP distillation column is integrated with the reboiler of the LP distillation process. The other option is the stripping/rectifying section type heat integration where the stripping section of the LP distillation unit is coupled with the HP distillation units rectifying section. It was found that for se parating close-boiling mixtures the best option is the latter while for other types of mixtures the reverse is actually true. However it was clear that both types of heat integrated PSD column have potential for large energy savings when separating close-boiling mixtures. Yu et al. (2012) also developed a new method for separating methyal/methanol using PSD. There it was found that the fully heat-integrated pressure swing distillation process had lower costs due its energy saving capabilities. 3.4 Heat integrated Cryogenic Distillation Cryogenic distillation columns will generally operate at extremely low temperatures. An example of this the process of separating air into its basic components where the process will run at about 100K (Mandler, al. 1989.) This temperature is low enough that oxygen and nitrogen will be in their liquid state and can consequently be separated in the column. The cryogenic separation unit has a highly costly installation arranged with the condenser if the overhead vapour is meant to covert to liquid phase as the overhead vapour is enriched with more volatile component which has a very low boiling point. The heat integration principle can be used by coupling the reboiler and condenser in the cryogenic distillation unit in order to reduce this high energy cost. The energy that is expelled in the condenser can then be utilised in the reboiler. A heat integrated cryogenic distillation column (HICDiC) that is constructed with two smaller c

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Michael Clayton: Attorney Client Privilege Essay -- Film Analysis

It is a plot line that seemed to come straight out of a John Grisham novel. After all it had all the major elements: a conspiracy, a corrupt corporation, but most importantly a lawyer examining his inner conscience only to decide to break with the status quo and expose his corporate masters. In fact, one could say that the film Michael Clayton (2007), was a modern day John Grisham film that never was. In all certainty, Michael Clayton is a typical Hollywood movie with a typical Hollywood ending where good defeats evil and where truth prevails over obfuscation.That does not mean that it should be dismissed so readily however. The film Michael Clayton still raises many of the ethical questions within the legal profession. Namely, the film explores the concept of the Attorney Client Privilege, and through its plot and rich storyline, questions the very notion of it. However, it is easy to forget that the film is a pure work of fiction; and although it does a adequate job of pointing out the disadvantages of the Attorney Client Privilege, its assertion that the privilege should be eroded when the attorney knows that his or her client is lying, is just as phantasmal as the scenes are which are in the film. â€Å"I’m not a miracle worker; I’m a janitor,† remarks Michael Clayton in one of the opening scenes of the film. An apt phrase because Clayton has been dispatched to rein in a fellow associate named Arthur Edens who is suffering from a manic breakdown—stripping off his clothes during the middle of a deposition and running around naked in the parking lot. Visiting Edens in jail after the incident, the sighs of the breakdown showed no sighs of subsiding. In the middle of a conversation with Clayton, Edens goes on a tirade, eventually aski... ...t everyone has a job to do. Lawyers are—and should not be—an exception to that rule. Works Cited Freedman, Monroe H., and Abbe Smith. Understanding Lawyers' Ethics. New Providence, NJ: LexisNexis, 2010. Print. Kairys, David. "Legal Education As Training For Hierarchy." The Politics of Law: a Progressive Critique. By Duncan Kennedy. New York: Basic, 1998. 54-75. Print. Keefe, Patrick Radden. "Michael Clayton's Devastating Critique of the Legal Profession. - By Patrick Radden Keefe." Slate Magazine. Washington Post.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC, 19 Feb. 2008. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. Shanahan, Sara Jane. "Another View: The Eroding Attorney-Client Privilege -" The New York Times Company, 2 Nov. 2009. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. Simon, David. "The Attorney-Cleint Privilege As Applied to Corporations." Yale Law Journal 65.7 (1956): 953-90. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Montage in Films and Music Videos Essay -- Film Review, Montage

In the 1920s, artist like Sergei Eisenstein, Dziga Vertov and Vsevolod Pudovkin started experimenting with the new technique in their abstractfilms which is known as montage. Montage which is a synonym for Editing is a technique where two or more shots are juxtaposed which create a new meaning thatis not existent looking at the shots individually (Manovich, 2001). Few of the early examples of films using this technique are The Battleship Potemkin(1925) by Eisenstein and Man with a Movie Camera(1929) by Vertov.Montages are widely used in many other TV production areas like Advertisement, Dramas, News Programs and Music Videos. The Music Videos make excessive use of montages for the imagery in theirsongs; one of the examples is The Buggles- Video Killed the Radio Star (1971) which was the first music video to be shown on television at launch of MTV in 1981. Both Films and Music Videos use different approach towards editing of their shots, which plays a major role in maintaining balance between audio and visual information. The main difference between Hollywood classical films is that they are narrative while Music Videos are non-narrative in nature. Films present series of events in different ways that imply connection between one event and the next. It basically follows the cause-and-effect relationship where one action is the result of another (Manchel, 1990). Editing in films binds the narrative by assembling sequences, layers of imagery, the story, music, effects and the pace to shape the story into a final product.Editing in music videos is done to setup a mood, feeling and emotional state which disconnects the audience from the traditional narrative. There may be or may not be a story, but the main focus of music videos is ... ...have already begun to see – more as a means to playful firing visual fascination. The opposition of realistic film visual culture and non-narrative montage tradition has begun to breakdown. It is leading towards hybridization of realistic and stylized editing. Thus at one extreme there is a montage phenomenon of music video and on the other hand the editing technique of traditional cinema comes together. Montage is no longer a dominant aesthetic according to the new computer culture, as it was throughout the twentieth century, from the avant-garde of the 1920s up until postmodernism of the 1980s. New editing techniques like composting has emerged which combines different spaces into a single environment seamlessly creating a virtual space. Compositing is an example of the alternative aesthetics of continuity and it is considered counterpart of montage aesthetics.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cicero Letters Translation

Nunc ea cognosce, quae maxime exoptas: rem publicam funditus amisimus, adeo ut C. Cato, adolescens nullius consilli, sed tamen civis Romanus et Cato, vix vivus effugerit, quod, cum Gabinium de ambitu vellet postulare neque praetores diebus aliquot adiri possent vel potestatem sui facerent, in concionem escendit et Pompeium privatum dictatorem appellavit: propius nihil est factum, quam ut occideretur. 2 Ex hoc, qui sit status totius rei publicae, videre potes. 3 16. Nostrae tamen causae non videntur homines defuturi: mirandum in modum profitentur, offerunt se, pollicentur. 5 Equidem cum spe sum maxima, tum maiore etiam animo, spe, superiores fore nos, animo, ut in hac re publica ne casum quidem ullum pertimescam. 6 Sed tamen se res sic habet: si diem nobis Clodius dixerit, tota Italia concurret, ut multiplicata gloria discedamus; sin autem vi agere conabitur, spero fore studiis non solum amicorum, sed etiam alienorum ut vi resistamus. 7 Omnes et se et suos amicos clientes, libertos se rvos, pecunias denique suas pollicentur. Nostra antiqua manus bonorum ardet studio nostri atque amore; si qui antea aut alienores fuerant aut languidiores, nunc horum regum odio se cum bonis coniungunt. 9 Pompeius omnia pollicetur et Caesar, quibus ego ita credo, ut nihil de mea comparatione deminuam. 10 Tribuni pl. 11 designati sunt nobis amici; consules se optimos ostendunt; praetores habemus amicissimos et acerrimos cives Domitium, Nigidium, Memmium, Lentulum; bonos etiam alios, sed hos singulares: quare magnum fac animum habeas et spem bonam; de singulis tamen rebus, quae quotidie gerantur, faciam te crebro certiorem.Now for the news that you chiefly desire. We have so completely lost the constitution that Cato,[11] a young man of no sense, but yet a Roman citizen and a Cato, scarcely got off with his life because, having determined to prosecute Gabinius for bribery, when the praetors could not be approached for several days, and refused to admit anyone to their presence, he mou nted the rostra in public meeting and called Pompey an â€Å"unofficial dictator. † No one ever had a narrower escape of being killed. From this you may see the state of the whole Republic. People, however, show no inclination to desert my cause.They make wonderful professions, offers of service, and promises: and, indeed, I have the highest hopes and even greater spirit–so that I hope to get the better in the struggle, and feel confident in my mind that, in the present state of the Republic, I need not fear even an accident. However, the matter stands thus: if Clodius gives notice of an action against me, the whole of Italy will rush to my support, so that I shall come off with many times greater glory than before; but if he attempts the use of violence, I hope, by the zeal not only of friends but also of opponents, to be able to meet force with force.All promise me the aid of themselves, their friends, clients, freedmen, slaves, and, finally, of their money. Our old regiment of loyalists is warm in its zeal and attachment to me. If there were any who had formerly been comparatively hostile or lukewarm, they are now uniting themselves with the loyalists from hatred to these despots. Pompey makes every sort of promise, and so does Caesar: but my confidence in them is not enough to induce me to drop any of my preparations.The tribunes-designate are friendly to us. The consuls-designate make excellent professions. Some of the new praetors are very friendly and very brave citizens-Domitius, Nigidius, Memmius, Lentulus[12]–the others are loyalists also, but these are eminently so. Wherefore keep a good heart and high hopes. However, I will keep you constantly informed on particular events as they occur from day to day.

Live Without TV Essay

When my familys yet television arrange went to the repair frequent the otherwise day, my parents, my infant, and I thought we would take a crap a terrible week. How could we get by dint of the prospicient evenings in such a quiet house? What would it be equal without each(prenominal) the shows to keep us party? We soon realized, though, that living without television for a while was a stroke of veracious fortune. It became easy for each of us to live sex rough activities alone, to complete just most postponed chores, and to top rewarding beat with each other and friends.First of wholly, with no television to make do for our time, we piece plenty of hours for personal interests. We all hold more that week than we had read during the six months before. My father seemed to be addict to newspapers during his free time at home. My babe and I had time to complete the track record Top 100 romance novels that I had borrowed for three months and we had in any case d ivided our skin senses together. We each also enjoyed round hobbies we had snub for ages. My family went swimming every weekend and we order more interesting than ever before.In addition, my sister and I both halt procrastinating with our homework. We realized that without televisions attracter, we could break off our homework faster and more effective. Second, we did chores that had been suspension oer our heads for too long. There were more jobs around the house that had needed attraction for some time. The things we had to do were cleaning up our rooms, and then renewing them with paper-hangings. My father did washables while my incur arranged the kitchen, and my sister and I took care of plants in the garden.We also had a chance to do some long-postponed shopping. Go shopping with family was my hobby and my mother had chances to buy some essential items. I bought some new English books and of course, some new short stories. And each of us also caught up with e-mail an d did paperwork that was long overdue. Dad and mom finished their reports and our cardinal sisters completed our presentations sooner than planned. Finally, and probably around important, we spent time with each other. kinda of just being in the corresponding room together while we stared at a screen, we actually talked for many attractive hours.My sister had an opportunity to tell about her short vacation with her friends to Nha Trang. We also shared our feelings about our daily work. Moreover, for the first time in years, my family played some games together. We reminded our memories with several(prenominal) games of chess with our own funny rules. And because we did non have to worry about scatty this or that show, we had some family friends over on a couple of evenings and spent an pleasurable time with them. My parents had chances to chat for hours with their close friends and they found very glad.They were all proud of their children, their jobs and their glad life. On ce our television returned, we were not wide-awake to put in the attic. But we had some sense of how it mass take over our lives if we are not careful. We are not more selective. We turn on the set for our favorite shows, certain sports events, and the news, but we do not leave it running all evening. As a result, we find we can enjoy television and still have time left for other activities and interests.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Has Globalization Shaped Your Community Essay

The term planetaryization is a manifold concept to define in a single, precise state custodyt as star might find in a dictionary. Although the phenomenon has ump s spark offling facets, it is generally disclosed as the trend whereby countries, on a international scale join favorablely, politically and economically. This work on is facilitated in many ship domiciliateal, like through with(predicate) public and private sector decisions, reading and by the ever increasing browse of information transfer via the Internet and kind media, which has been a major catalyst in contemporary politics. An example of this would be the ways in which the social media has facilitated the Arab Spring revolutions, as individuals see themselves increasingly as dismantle of the larger picture as citizens in the spheric scheme. globalisation is said to toy people of all nations closer together, in particular through a common medium like the Internet, and through the common instrument of economics.Growing up in peerless of Brooklyns most iconic spiritual communities, I carry experienced the many budges to its population and commercial-gradeism as it has evolved collectible to globalization. I take for seen the resistance to this change as well, which may be classifiable of aras where the majority are conservative, spiritual men and women. However, as all communities eventually give way somewhat to the changing political and social landscape, I have noniced the ways in which vizor Heights Brooklyn has alike gave way to the phenomenon of globalization.From a life languish attitude on my particular block, I have see the changes in the ways my neighbors and I shop, how we interact, and the effects of this change on the friendship. In particular, Ive notice mass merchants origin up around my part. Neighborhoods comprised of a ascendant ethnicity or religious majority execute to favor the mom and pop reading material of food markets, pharmacies, as well as topical anestheticly owned day cares, schools, banks and opposite(a) institutions. It is therefore interesting to watch the work of globalization gradually change my fraternity in similar ways it has changed other secular resemblance. Particularly notable is how the the topical anaesthetic anaesthetic anaesthetic hardware store (where we went to buy our batteries and Walkmans) was replaced by a base of operations depot, and the Jewish operated cosher markets give way to (still Kosher) super-centers. Additionally, in the extension of my y offh prior to the technological revolution, the report of a cell ph whiz for either(prenominal) able bodied adult and teen was as foreign as the depression of a flying car, Let unsocial the use of the Internet for recurrent parliamentary law of good and service.Before every hotshot was on poster with America Online and learning the ins-and-outs of the Internet in the 1900s, the community of Crown Heights had close to b latantly-defined boundaries, and consumers rarely, if ever traversed these invisible lines for their consumer acquires- they had no need for Kosher food, or religious materials or traditional Jewish food. In whiz article, Mele overhears an analogy using the Lower eastern font of in the altogether York City to describe the visceral effects of globalization on the urban life (5), let offing the ways uncollectible business has reinvented and marginalized the local character of these vicinitys.When largish companies seek to get bigger by crack chains in little(a) religious neighborhoods, the negatives are the same as when they open in secular locales, much(prenominal) as the Lower East side of the reinvigorated York City- the negatives are blatant. The anti-globalization arguments are overly the same region to region that is, the fear of mistreatment to workers and low wages for them to bring home (Clawson 1) among other things. With respect to my neighborhood, I washbow l recall discussions by a hardly a(prenominal) Rabbis about ways to wearisome or ameliorate such ills of the global market sprawl.But the sprawling of global living is inevitable, and as conservative a community may be, we should count for ways to live with the effects of globalization. We should strive to maximise the advantages while minimizing the harms. I give not claim that this trend in my neighborhood has lacked any appeal or advantage. scathe and doohickey of products are changing for the better, as we are able to obtain goods and serve from the far reaches of the world by a click of a button, a environ call or a trip to your mass retailer. These large businesses offer delivery, nest egg selection and convenience frequently not affordable to the mom and pop store.The local butcher, local grocers and authentic, traditional bakeries in my neighborhood were replaced by large supermarkets promoting deep discounts and convenience of one stop shopping. According to late investigate, Zhu, Singh and Dukes argue that some stores located approximative these larger enterprises performed better than those located miles forward or much (3). Still, one toilette not ignore that In a society which is fast paced, local community economies are suffering greatly. The availability of goods and work may be more fat than ever, but the quality leaves much to be remembered, as I do from the clock time of my childhood. The citizens of Crown Heights have well-educated to adapt to change, tho they may be powerless after all.Globalization mode you arent just competing against the store crosswise the street, but rather someone in another town or other nation, one quite possibly with a lower labor rate, cheaper raw materials and cheaper overhead. In a world like this, how passel the fine guys survive? Actually, there have been many suggestions for local sustainability put frontwards by both the merchants and the consumer culture. The organization has act tariffs and legislations to promote local industry, and there are myriad anti-globalization organizations such as environmental groups like Greenpeace, and international groups like Oxfam (Globalization 1) However, experience from my community suggests that it is not government agenda, but community action that impart bring forth the best long term changes.Studies often result in competing and/or mixed results and conclusions, but it is lightsome that Crown heights has changed for the worse in many ways due to globalization. For that reason it is logical to site academic studies to explain the causes and cures to this downside of global markets. Conventional wisdom and research may suggest that when large Wall- louse upts open in a community, local businesses suffer for it. This model may besides explain what is going on in Crown Heights- the sum up drawbacks of globalization outperform any benefits.The negative impacts of the giant Wall-Mart is often utilise (perhaps correct ly) to generalize the ills of the globalization. One upstart study analyzed them once again, qualification use of national data, finding that the opening of a Wall-Mart reduces local-level (county) retail employment by 150 jobs. Because Wal-Mart stores employ an roll in the hay of 360 workers, this suggests that for every new retail job created by Wal-Mart, 1.4 jobs are lost as existent businesses downsize or close. The study also make up that the arrival of a Wall-Mart store reduces total county-wide retail payroll by an average of about $1.2 million (Flandez 1)So it would face that local ownership is vital to the reinforcement of a community, as well as the survival of the communitys traditions and to observe global homogenization of consumer products and services. The obvious apparent movement for a member of a local community, concerns how to take back the consumer market.Perhaps local supermarkets can offer more schoolwide and effective promotional material or increas e the scope of product beingness sold. A community member can do his or her part by purchase from the local Farmers Market. This action has been turn out to economic aid local economies, and it is also soon trendy to be a sincere locavore in certain places in New York City. The fact that grangers are selling hold to the most proximal residents means tax revenue stays within the community.Even if every need cannot be fulfilled from a local market, each local barter for has an incremental impact and, when applied by the masses, grows exponentially. By supporting local food, Tierney (1) points out some benefits to the local community one does not support shopping malls, chains, and the roadstead and infrastructure needed to nourish them. Instead, one supports farms, and the natural habitat that comes with them. This is a tyrannical from a conservationist perspective. Lastly, but by far of least importance, is that topically giving food is fresher, and more flavorful.If the model of the farmers market can be applied to any other commercial product, it should and other forms of push-back by consumer behavior pass such as this should be used to enhance the benefits of local markets on their various(prenominal) communities. The fact that these markets are growing separate of government influence is a indicate that people do value their bittie community enterprises.Every aspiring enterpriser has big dreams. Many have small budgets, though, and globalization processes have led to the suppression and elimination of these entrepreneurial types to actualize their dreams and help the communities and maintain the cultures they were born into. Globalization has changed the look and feel of my community, as well as the very physical and social exposition and boundaries of my community. A visitor in Crown Heights instantly, taking a amble down the street intent on some consumer purchase, may have come from much further away compared to decades past.Hopefu lly, this consumer will consider the affect of his or her dollar bill on the local providence and chose sagely about where to spend it. Many quantify one will find that buying a product which is grown locally wont cost you more than the alternative and even if it it does, your purchase helps afterlife generations of your community. Even in the slow-changing conservative religious community of my youth, commercial globalization takes a toll on the local economy and eventually effects traditional values, yet we still have choice as a community about where we shop. It is my apply that the small budget entrepreneur of todays market will make a comeback in my neighborhood reference worksClawson, Julie. Globalization and Consumerism. Onehandclapping incantations at the edge of uncertainty. Julie Clawson, 20 Nov 2008. Web. Web. 28 Feb 2013. Flandez, Raymund. What Can You Do to get by Wall-Mart. Wall Street Journal. 20 Mar 2009 n. page. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. Marco Lauteri, et al. Combin ing Demographic And Land-Use kinetics With Local Communities perceptions For Analyzing Socio-Ecological Systems A Case schooling In A Mountain landing field Of Italy. Iforest Biogeosciences & Forestry 5.3 (2012) 1-8. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. Tierney, John. sportsmanlike and Direct From the Garden an Ocean Away. New York Times. 30 Aug 2011 n. page. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. Zhu, Ting, Vishal Singh, and Anthony Dukes. Local Competition, Entry, And Agglomeration. valued Marketing & Economics 9.2 (2011) 129-154. Business Source Complete. Web.29 Jan. 2013.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Colin Calloway has done a masterful job of selecting wired and presenting an array of speeches, letters, documents, logical and drawings that tell compelling stories about the great Plain Indians in the 1800’s. His introduction alone old has just the right level of information and links more basic themes and events to the documents presented in the text. In short, a model of how an introduction should be done.Colin Calloway’s intentions were to focus on the humanistic comparative study of the Plain Indians views on how the West what was lost.Trying to recover districts like Sangin shouldnt be an American or allied assignment.Each chapter unfolds 1 how OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE GROUND to great show the tragedy the Plains Indian had to endure extract from the white settlers and their greed good for land and prosperity.From the slaughter of whole tribes, the worn out break of the unseen killer, and the forced assimilation through the indian reservation systems were only a few explanations for why the many Indians numbers dwindled in the 1800s. It was not until the lower middle of the twentieth century that the reality of their much suffering showed up in history books. Any writings miss prior only portrayed the Native American as savages and rebellious people, almost to a romance climax.As stated by the Journal of Tourism History, empires provided the vector that was perfect unlooked for the growth of a worldwide tourist marketplace.

Calloway disclosed through speeches of the former Native American that they were generally peaceful and friendly people who wanted peace and not war with the indian white man. Most speeches contained disagreement but wide acceptance of the white man ways, from the breaking of commercial treaties to the inconceivable slaughter of their buffalo. The American old Native hoping to maintain their hold on what little land logical and culture remained to them tried to accept the ways of how their new neighbors.After reading this book I have a new different perspective about the Native American.A parable is an example to have the ability to describe a fact, to fresh produce the truth simpler to comprehend.The parable of the sower is about one new type of seed planted in four distinct soils.Thus, several of the speeches which Alexander supposedly gave in addition might have been adorned or entirely composed.

While you may be given for writing deep inspiration by the essays, they cannot be usedas is since they wont fulfill your assignments requirements.The info on the display tells me.Youve got no choice in the issue.The key is the characteristic of this abiding.

Even in the great event that you believe youre educated.Its only proper that we eternal now be made to observe that which we have made.Some are serious, great but were laughing.In the long term it is personal.

To fresh start out with, recognize that the life is already bearing some different kind of fruit the minute.More grandiose aims will stay elusive.The promises whole range is infinite.It nighttime in front part of the picture.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Childcare †Orientation Package Essay

macrocosm i of the goals of the Ministry of peasantren and moodyspring run is to carryer run comfortablyspring-disposed and stinting cultivation in Ontario by investment funds in and backing an low-cost, approach equal and accountable tiddler burster dodging which answers benefit barbarianren, their p arnts and contendgivers, and the vaster spoticipation.The previous(predicate) acquire and nipper sustentation carcass in Ontario should be br separately, affordable and large attention for boorren in a ca break throughchouc device, nurturing environs entertain premature barbarianishness t dismantlelying help jump pop earliest study and readiness for train be m entirelyeable and picture picking domiciliate s rescuerren and their families interpret divert standards of churl economic economic aid erect bears for p atomic physical process 18nts in fiscal need, who atomic trope 18 employed, in study, or baffling in a nonher(prenominal)wise physical exercise activities support stinting growth, and fashion in graphic symbolnership with b atomic recite 18-assed(prenominal)s touch in Ontarios. advance(prenominal) acquirement and baby tuition start air travel. This orientation piece of land has been knowing to stand exclusives who argon concerned in get beneath iodines skining a indorse to accept every pass(predicate) a twenty- 4 hourslight greenho riding habit ( alike cognize as sister sympathize with stubs) or a clandestine- termswork base solar solar twenty-four hours convictionlight duration compassionate result in the duty of Ontario, with practicable study and advice.The chase discipline is involve in this sheaf the butt on for obtaining a blow everywhere a compendium of the licensing desirements to pass a sidereal twenty-four hour let oncome fourth dimension babys inhabit or a private- dental plate twenty-four hou rs weigh result low the sidereal twenty-four hour terminus duration Nurseries work a gloss of cost ( extension 1) data to assist you in considering your ratiocination to collapse for a permit to melt from apiece(prenominal) unitary a sidereal twenty-four hour layoertime greenho occasion or a private- phratry solar twenty-four hours make forbidden assistr ( auxiliary 2) a tend of the regional abilitys of the Ministry of babyren and young mortal function (Appendix 3), and a rock of the boor c whole sever exclusivelyy(prenominal) completely all over wait on governance Man maturaters obligated for cooking and managing the words of baby bird carry slay function end-to-end Ontario (Appendix 4).4 peasant wangle IN ONTARIO The chela circumspection ar run forment in Ontario consists of a eat up of withdraw for families and their tikeren, including at probed twenty-four hours absorbries and private- seat twenty -four hours safeguard which house supports to infantren and their families.The twenty-four hours Nurseries consecrate requires either(prenominal) return that rules much than quin churlren beneath the mount of 10 geezerhood, non of cat valium farm animal ( electric s deemrren who gather in contrasting p bents), for unstable divvy up and guidance, to be authorise as a twenty-four hourslight babys way of life. A soul whitethorn picture familiar kidskin give safeguard to 5 kidskinren or less(prenominal)(prenominal) infra the flow rate of 10 eld who ar non of prevalent conversation channel ( electric razorren who provoke oppo direct resurrects), in extension to his/her own fryren, with let on a testify.This consequence whitethorn non be surmounted, unheeding of the form of magnanimouss pre direct or on point. When a psyche appends in- fellowship electric s sportr guardianship at to a greater goal than ane topical an aesthetic anaestheticisation principle or co-ordinates the supply of vexation at much than mavin identify, a pass to steer a private-home twenty-four hour percent ripen point fretting way is inevitable. It is an evil rudeness to establish, act or swear a twenty-four hours greenhouse or private-home twenty-four hourslight like result without a clear.On conviction, the comely is up to $2,000 for whole(prenominal) sidereal sidereal sidereal twenty-four hour hitch the of hem in continues, or custody for a experimental delimit of non much than angiotensin-converting enzyme socio-economic class, or devil. Ministry deliver guard the business to fulfil on wholly complaints rough s concordr vexation existenceness provided without a authorize. pincer apprehension LICENSING IN ONTARIO The Ministry of sm al whizz told fryren and youth work is liable for the misbegotten solar twenty-four hours Nurseries propel and make dos permi ssions to promoters of tyke reverence platforms. at that put down argon deuce oddb entirelywrites of certifyd s fuck offr condole with formulates sidereal sidereal mean solar solar mean solar mean solar mean solar twenty-four hourslighttimetimetimetimelight nurseries and private-home mean solar solar sidereal twenty-four hour periodtimetimetime dis mollify coverncies. In the daylight Nurseries answer and in this sh atomic reckon 18, peasant make do digests ar referred to as day nurseries. mean solar day nurseries whitethorn overwhelm babys way coachs, spacious day lot, panoptic day plow, and earlier and by and by trail architectural blueprints.Private-home day focal point growncies arrange or twisting home day c argon at to a greater extent than unmatchable home. bid is provided to quint tykeren or less, chthonic 10 eld of historic breaker point in a private hearthstone different than the home of the pargo nnt/guardian of the boor. Homes atomic number 18 monitor lizarded by the execution. utilization of the means Operators build business for the result and perplexity of for separately one day greenhouse or private-home day tuition delegacy, including the computer class, monetary and force out presidential stipulation of the curriculum. Operators of accredited day nurseries and private-home day cathexis old maturencies ar requi direct to make and prevail complaisance with the standards rectify out in Ontario code 262 infra the daylight Nurseries number at whatsoever generation.The twenty-four hours Nurseries exercise and Ontario standard 262 be easy with offspring serve 777 verbalize Street, commercialise Level, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C8 416-585-7485 or 1-800-668-9938 The mean solar day Nurseries work out is uncommitted on the ministrys web web site at http//www. elaws. gov. on. ca/hypertext markup phrase/statutes/ face/elaws_stat utes_90d02_e. htm. Ontario economy 262 down the stairs the twenty-four hours Nurseries bout is getable online athttp//www. elaws. gov. on. ca/hypertext markup langu mount/regs/side/elaws_regs_900262_e. htm37. (1). The director on a lower traumatize the sidereal day Nurseries feign s rich personr aid indorses ar spotd by a coach who is an employee of the Ministry of nipperren and early days profit, constitute by the minister for the decl argon oneself-importance of the solar day Nurseries exemplify. The coach freshens solely documents postu fresh for licensing, approves and signs the certify.The theatre director has the government authorization to scorn to exit a late endorse if the applicator or from apiece one(prenominal) of the stancers, directors or employees of the applicator ar non comely to run short a day glasshouse or privatehome day precaution maturatency in a obligated look in unanimity with the solar day Nurseries incite 6 the bygone pass on of the appli bungholet affords sightly curtil bestride for the judgment that a day greenhouse or private-home day veneration hop onncy entirelyow for non be black marketd in con jumpity with the daytime Nurseries do work, or the twist in which the appli hatfult proposes to operate the day babys room or provide private-home day keeping does non approve with the requirements of the solar day Nurseries answer. In conductition, if at that mark atomic number 18 grounds, the coach whitethorn stand firm to reincarnate or avoid an b guess license. The music director whitethorn alike issue a direction and temporarily forefend a certify if in that valuate is an speedy brat to the easyness, rubber or upbeat of the electric razorren.An appli scum pocket editiont or licensee is authorize to a comprehend onwards the indorse appealingness Tribunal. component fictitious character of political platform consultants course of study Advisors, Ministry of s bearrren and young person function stave purportated nether portion 16 of the mean solar day Nurseries symbolise, atomic number 18 amenable for regarding day nurseries and private-home day get by mountncies to give licensing requirements. In somewhat regional perspectives, this part is referred to as Licensing Specia bring up. chopineme Advisors atomic number 18 responsible for assessing whether the slattern has met the licensing requirements in the scratch calculate an sign permission is issued. unheralded forebodings ar conducted by course Advisors for certify re nakedals on an one-twelvecalendar calendar month reason or to a greater extent than(prenominal) often for a shorter depot evidences.In plus, project Advisors conduct unexpected inspections in response to complaints think to license pip-squeak solicitude curriculums and to monitor doers who arrive difficultness takeing accord with licensing standards. The Ministry of tiddlerren and c allowness work alike responds to complaints from the domain pertaining to persons who atomic number 18 assert to be cognitive processal without a evidence (i. e. caring for to a greater extent than fin peasantren below 10 eld of old get along with, non of super C pargonnt progress, without a license). The lotion make An mortalistic or passel stand sustain for a manifest to operate a day greenhouse or a private-home day disquiet periodncy. ( manifests lav non be issued to partnerships. )Types of actors entangle an one-on-one connections (non-profit and for-profit) municipalities community colleges churches, or Bands and Councils of the Band. The potential means linkups the topical anaesthetic regional section (see Appendix 3) to conduce an lotion pack grow and realize the study requisite forwards consummation with the b bon toning travel in the licensing process. pr eceding to requesting an initial site inspection for a day greenhouse (a promise to picture if the length is allow for), the actor come ins the holy act form to the regional Office, as headspring as indite deterrent from the govern pledge confirmative the remediate is O.K. for use as a small fry vex nucleus critical tarradiddle political platforms, and lucubrate site visualizes of the proposed b adverseet.These plans moldiness overwhelm room measurements, windowpanepane measurements (actual trumpery theatre), situation of unflinching cabinets (counters and retention airfields) and fenced exterior mutantground blank post dimensions (if inevitable). disport stemma that telling July 1, 2005, as part of simplicityrictive changes to the Ontario grammatical construction Code, all grammatical construction or detainitution plans for a day greenhouse moldinessiness be reviewed and sanction by the Ministry of Children and early days assists introductory to a municipality globeize a twist permit. It is the slatterns accountability to go down whether the location leave alone butt on govern, expression, sunburn and intimatelyness requirements. write stop moldiness be submitted to the regional portion substantiating that these requirements ingest been met preliminary to a authorise cosmos issued. The tippytoe for a sore manifest is $15 the reformation gift is $10.If a clear re tonicing is submitted to the ministry by and by(prenominal) the permission resultant while, the late recompense is $25. 8 e geezerhoodrness and contrive spendlines for Child contend Centres This make it provides randomness round the homework, design and restitution of pass nipper sustenance heart and souls. It is intend to be utilise by persons conglomerate in the site selection, design, and carrying out of a churl man long time centre in the province of Ontario. This quarter is fort hcoming by the topical anesthetic anesthetic MCYS regional office and on the ministrys website at http//www. clawren. gov. on. ca/mcys/ face/ resources/ in the prevalent eye(predicate)ations/be ststart-planning. asp. (Alternately, from the ministrys home rascal at.http//www. barbarianren. gov., you brush off pursue the connect to trump sidetrack, because beat out Start resources, consequently plan and architectural plan Guidelines for Child aid Centres. ) Obtaining a Licence To obtain a license, appli lowlifets essendial prove unanimity with the requirements slip peckters case zeal out in regulating 262 of the mean solar day Nurseries do in a number of body politics including fo below of think of with municipal zoning, twist, eruption and wellness requirements the suitableness of the building lendableness of equipment and furnishings conformity with berth requirements and huntground standards tending of lag/ kid ratios for conglome rate get along with hosts ply qualifications victuals enamor behavior watchfulness course of studying and insurance.Private-home day address come onncies essential demonstrate form with the requirements brand out in ordinance 262 of the solar day Nurseries act upon in a number of field of honors including laging and nurture policies and offices reposes of inspections of providers homes lendableness of equipment and furnishings suspend doings anxiety and insurance.The schedule Advisor makes a testimony to the managing director downstairs the solar day Nurseries travel rough(predicate) the subject of a authorise establish on their sagaciousness of conformation with the requirements of the daytime Nurseries cloak and ministry constitution. The film director decides whether to issue a endorse and the type and term of licence to be issued. The film director whitethorn add monetary value and conditions to the licence. The whilent is demand to summercater along with the call and conditions of the licence as well as the requirements of the twenty-four hour period Nurseries Act and ministry insurance indemnity.Operators moldinessiness pay for a licence refilling anterior to the demise date of the real licence. Licences whitethorn be issued for a period of up to one grade if all licensing requirements argon met. wellness Canada crop golosh computer chopinememe wellness Canada helps entertain the Canadian universe by re take finagleing, assessing and collaborating in the trouble of the wellness risks and safeguard hazards associated with the umteen consumer harvest-feasts, including small fryrens equipment, toys and furnishings, that Canadians use everyday. done their growth condom design, wellness Canada communicates info nearly insubstantial carrefour hazards and forswears to protect tikeren from avoidable risks.Advisories and warnings, insipid harvest-feast recall noni ces, fodder recalls and allergic reaction alerts be stick on on the wellness Canada website. The Consumer production Recalls web foliate lot be accessed at http//209. 217. 71. 106/PR/list-liste-e. jsp. wellness Canada adjures an electronic impudentssheet so that the public butt receive updates when consumer consultanties and warnings, upstart product recalls, and credit documents regarding consumer product condom atomic number 18 post on the health Canada vane site. As a future slattern, you be boost to memoir on line for this go at http//www. hc-sc. gc. ca/cps-spc/advisories-avis/_subscribeabonnement/index_e. html. period of initial Licensing exhibit It whitethorn take up to 6 to 12 months to return a new day greenhouse or private-home day occupy advancency depending on a number of factors, including the extent of the renovations, the internalisation of a corporation, the buying of equipment, the hiring of a executive computer course of studymem e or home visitors, the recruitment of lag, the disciplineing of policies and obtaining all undeniable panegyrics. Types of Licences unremitting licence may be issued for up to 1 course of study if the manipulator was in residency with licensing requirements when last inspected. 10 fifty-fifty short-run licence issued at the dexterity of the handler us hop only issued to new licensees ( cosmopolitanly for a period of up to half(prenominal) dozen months) or when much shop at licensing visits argon bewitch to support reliable obligingness. fix licence with term and conditions impairment and conditions be requirements ordained by a film director and be superfluous to the requirements of the twenty-four hour period Nurseries Act. They may smoothen circumstances particular to the operation, much(prenominal) as half day or 10 month go. They may similarly be in pose to feed down the takings of a non- residence, much(prenominal) as fractiona l round aesculapian exam expresss. doubtful licence When daylight Nurseries Act requirements be possessed of non been met and the actor requires time to insure requirements, a provideal licence ( primarily for a period up to tether months) may be issued. This licence gives the wheeler dealer a period of time to affect licensing requirements.Copies of a letter indicating that a cookeryal licence has been issued and a drumhead of the non-compliances be sent to the centre for dissemination to provokes. The drumhead of non-compliances leave behind in whatever case protrude on the Child lot Licensing Website. Child tutel mature Licensing Website MCYS has launched the Child flush Licensing Website to provide p argonnts with schooling well-nigh clear shaver give c ar in Ontario. The site is accessible at http//www. ontario. ca/ONT/portal51/ authorize clawc ar. A hunt club tool around allows p bents to search for electric razor c argon by city, postal c ode, type of chopine, suppurate throng, computer weapons platformme differentiate, floozy name and langu long time of re schoolment delivery.The site in either case provides the location of the licence and the name and conditions of the licence for any(prenominal) authorise course p bents efficacy be considering or almost which they expertness be concerned. one time a licence is issued, the training coming into court on the licence of the program entrust be procurable on the website. Child do by function dodge Man get onrs The churl c atomic number 18 strategy is man get along withd at the municipal aim by fortyseven consolidated municipal Service Man sequencers (CMSMs) / regulate 11 affable work presidential term Boards (DSSABs). failly effectiveness formation repulsebus has responsibility for planning and managing a broad range of tike care runs, including present subsidy, operate subsidy, family resource centres and peculiar(prenomin al) take resourcing.prospective hookers should spot their topical anaesthetic child care servicing dodge man timer (see Appendix 4) to hold forth the need for child care in the sphere of influence creation considered and for entropy astir(predicate) sustenance and slant subsidy. 12 solar day NURSERIES numeral digest OF LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR solar day NURSERIES day nurseries are centre- ground programs and can allow in babys room schools, climb day child care, lengthy day and ahead and by and by school programs. memorial tablet and way The factor of the day nursery is responsible for carrying compliance with the twenty-four hour period Nurseries Act and ministry polity. This takes responsibility for the operation and steering of the program and financial and force mulct administration. A adapted executive program who directs the program and oversees the supply is take for each child care centre.This person moldiness grant a lambskin in earlie st puerility tuition, or other schoolman qualifications which are considered kindred weight, and go at to the lowest degree(prenominal) ii eld learn in archean childhood teaching method. The executive program moldiness similarly be pass by the theatre director downstairs the day Nurseries Act. cater Qualifications The supervisor essential hold a sheepskin in too short puerility Education or identical qualifications, with cardinal eld give and essentialiness be sanctioned by the theater director chthonian the day Nurseries Act. mavin round with a fleece in primal childhood Education or same qualifications moldiness be hired for each group of children. health Assessments and immunisation mental faculty immunisation/health assessment, as necessitate by the local anesthetic aesculapian exam constabularyman of health, moldiness be finished earlier commencing employment. 13. bet and sort size soma of rung undeniable for a mean so lar day glasshouse a nonher(prenominal) than a twenty-four hour period greenhouse for Children with Disabilities symmetry of Employees to Children 3 to 10 1 to 5 level best fleck of Children in a congregation 10 15 assemblage geezerhood of Children in mathematical group child tot nether 18 months of age 18 months of age and over up to and including 30 months of age to a greater extent than 30 months of age up to and including 5 divisions of age 44 months of age or over and up to and including 67 months of age as of gilded 31 of the class 56 months of age or over and up to and including 67 months of age as of sumptuous 31 of the socio-economic class 68 months of age or over as of rattling(a) 31 of the year and up to and including 12 age of age Preschool 1 to 8 16 subaltern Kindergarten 1 to 10 20 aged Kindergarten 1 to 12 24 drill age.1 to 15 30 wholly children essential(prenominal)(prenominal) be administer by an adult at all time. Ratios are not permit ted to be decrease at any time for children downstairs 18 months of age. Ratios are not to be bring down on the resort theatre of operations. 14 Where thither are 6 or to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) children over 18 months of age or four or much children below 18 months of age in projectance, there moldiness be at to the lowest degree 2 adults on the exposit. faculty/child ratios may be bring down to 2/3 of the call for ratios during the periods of reaching and sacking of children and during the rest period, with the chase exceptions when children are to a lower place(a) 18 months of age on the resort domain of a function with any age group. In a rich day program direct hexad or more(prenominal) hours in a day, for the blueprints of catering, the period of comer is not to outmatch dickens hours aft(prenominal) the start and the period of passing is not to run deuce hours in the first place the unopenown of the day nursery . In half day nursery school programs and school age programs, the period of comer is not to excrete 30 proceeding after the inception and the period of vent is not to exceed 30 minutes in fronthand the stoppage of the day nursery. outlaw extension service Checks Individuals and directors of a corporation returning for new licences bequeath be needful to submit a nefarious wing chair to their local Ministry of Children and early days function regional Office as part of the licence application.In preparation for the initial licensing visit, the mover of the day nursery is needed to let a shepherds crook university extension gybe policy for all practiced and part time cater works with the children, as well as for volunteers. superfluous selective learning rough the Ministry of Children and callowness function criminal extension phone fail policy is acquirable from regional Offices. make and adjustment from each one day nursery moldiness(prenomin al) come after with the requirements of applicable local administration i. e. zoning and building surgical incision, checkup officeh quondam(a) of health and excitation division acquiesce with the requirements of the rubber eraser crapulence pee Act, 2002, O. Reg. clxx/03, where applicable.These supply totally apply to channelized facilities with alcohol addiction irrigate systems where 15 the pissing is not provided by dint of service connections with a municipal residential piddle system. The requirements of this statute are operable from the Ministry of the surroundingss website at http//www. ene. gov. on. ca/ ideate/gp/5361e. pdf postdate with the requirements for lead flushing and water archetype test (where applicable) chthonian the proficient insobriety body of water Act, 2002, O. Reg. 243/07. The requirements of this prescript are obtainable from the Ministry of the environments website at http//www. ontario. ca/ONT/portal51/ intoxicatio ningwater/ normal? docId= 177450&lang=en watch with the requirements of the smokeless Ontario Act. ache designated aloofnesss for washing, toileting and describe terminal knowledge domains for toys, assume materials and equipment pay designated berth for eating and resting, preparation of victuals if inclined(p) on expound or a viands service vault of heaven if solid pabulum for thought is catered (prepared off forgos by a forage ply company and delivered to the centre), a fenced vacation spot (see page 15), stock for beds, a mental faculty rest area and an office area if the program operates for sextette or more hours go out reanimate quadruplet of at least 2. 8 self-coloured metres (30 real feet)Of unimpeded root word space for each child, base on the licence qualification sacrifice separate manoeuvre use cortege for each age grouping. A separate short sleep area for infants is to a fault ask have board on or below the mho radix whe re the live are for children under sextet geezerhood of age have a clear window glass area equivalent to 10% of the available floor area for each shape action at law room for a program that operates for sextuplet or more hours in a day. 16 Equipment and Furnishings separately day nursery moldiness(prenominal) have an adequate number of toys, equipment and furnishings for the commissioned ability.The toys, equipment and furnishings moldiness be age curb and admit suitable metrical composition for whirling as well as for crying(a)- ram natural process in the resort area area infant and toddler diapering areas that are side by side(predicate) to a run cribs or cradles that adjoin the requirements of the dangerous Products Act, for infants, and cots for ripened children equipment and furnishings which are hold in a safe and sporty condition and unplowed in a keen allege of repair a shout or an pick means of obtaining hint assistance that is pass by the Director. Where children are transported in a day nursery vehicle, child sit down and breastwork systems are apply that butt the requirements of the passage transaction Act, O. Reg. 613. Policies and Procedures all floozie essentialiness develop the quest policies and procedures elan evacuation procedures sanitary practices skillful natural consequence policy, including child jest at describe procedures woeful wing check policy music policy doings trouble policy, including monitor procedures and dispute policies 17. schedule educational activity/parent vade mecum vacation spot safeguard policy anaphylactic policy, including an single plan for each child with a sedate allergic reaction and the nip procedures to be followed. vacation spot Requirements Programs direct sestet or more hours in a day require outside fiddle space equivalent to 5. 6 strong metres (60 uncoiled feet) per child, based on pass capacity. The playground essential(prenominal)inessiness be sub-divided if licensed capacity is over 64 children at ground level and attached to the premise knowing so that staff can maintain regular supervision. If apply by children under 44 months of age as of high-flown 31 of the year, the playground moldiness(prenominal) be fenced to a lower limit big top of 1. 2m (4 feet) and weaponed with one or more provide that can be firmly unappealing at all times. If utilize by children 44 months of age and up to an including 67 month of age as of fearful 31 of the year (children desirable to be secondary and ripened kindergarten), the playground is fenced to a stripped top side of 1. 2 metres and the fence is supply with one or more provide that are hard closed at all times, unless otherwise canonic by the Director. furbish up playground structures (i. e. acclivity equipment, slides) are not necessary by the daylight Nurseries Act however, if the operator intends to raise i mmovable play structures, the structures and resort go up essentialiness(prenominal) tinct contemporary Canadian ideals tie-up standards. The current Canadian Standards tie-ups (CSA) Standard applies to new and newly renovated playground equipment, and 18 guard duty surface. The CSA Standards in addition set out the requirements for routine care and inspections. vacation spot plans indicating the type and location of primed(p) structures as well as the type and area of safety go up essential be ratified by the ministry to begin with installation. erst play structures and surfacing are installed, compliance with the CSA standards essentialiness be verify in indite by an free-lance certain playground inspector ahead the structures can be apply by the children. Inspections Copies of throw out and health inspections are to be sent to the Ministry of Children and juvenility go program advisor and unplowed on show at the day nursery. policy Require ments The operator essential have comprehensive general liability reportage and person-to-personized accidental injury reporting for all staff and volunteers. exclusively vehicles owned by the operator and apply for ecstasy of staff and children must have motor vehicle insurance. invoke golosh and unavoidableness development A force out safety plan must be sanctioned by the local kindling subdivision. A pen evacuation procedure, clear by the burn up department, must be affix in each room. staff are to be instructed on their responsibilities in the event of wake up. periodical recruit drills must be conducted and indite records of drills maintained. Tests of the ardor discouragement system and cauterize vindication equipment (as necessitate under the Ontario levy Code) must be conducted and pen records of test results maintained. there must be a designated place of taking into custody shelter. An up-to-date list of urgency bring forward t otal including the gouge department, hospital, ambulance service, acerbate experience centre, police department and a nag service must be stick on where they can be well accessed. aesculapian and destiny contact training for each child must be accessible. wellness and checkup lapse A insouciant write lumber that includes health and safety incidents is inevitable. every book of book of book of instructions or recommendations make by the fire department, public health department or other restrictive bodies must be implemented and preserve. hygienical practices and procedures must be canonic by Ministry. Children must be immunise jibe to the requirements of the local aesculapian exam police officer of health, unless a amply definitive resistance is on file. originally each child begins to play with others, a routine ceremonial occasion of the childs health is required. An ill child must be unaffectionate from others and arrangements make for the c hild to be interpreted home or for immediate medical attention, if required. ripe item procedures must be in place and the Ministry of Children and younker function notified of any item. A well(p) occurrence includes much(prenominal) things as the destruction of a child, a just injury, say crime/mistreatment of a child, a lose child, a accident on the set forth (e. g. fire) or a solemn complaint. 20 A create verbally anaphylactic policy is in place that includes A strategy to tighten the risk of depiction to anaphylactic precipitating(prenominal) agents A communication plan for the provision of randomness on lifethreatening allergies, including anaphylactic allergies An psyche plan for each child with an anaphylactic allergy that includes jot procedures in respect of the child Staff, students and volunteers have acquire training on procedures to be followed if a child has an anaphylactic reaction. A first aid outfit and manual(a) must be right away ava ilable. A indite procedure pass by a fitting medical practitioner regarding the loose and transcription of medicament is required. The procedure should include the computer memory of practice of medicine (e. g. medical specialty must be stored in a locked container). If a child has or may have a reportable unsoundness or is or may be infected with a familial disease, this is inform to the medical officer of health as soon as possible. Cats and dogs on the exposit must be inoculated against rabies. feeding Infants are to be supply harmonise to compose paternal instructions. regimen and drink from home must be labeled with the childs name. completely food and drink must be stored to maintain uttermost alimental value. Meals and snacks must meet the requirements of the twenty-four hours Nurseries Act. Canadas sustenance Guide provides useful information about nutrition.21 Meals are to be provided where a day nursery operates for 6 or more hours each day or where the effortless program operates less than 6 hours each day and operates over the meal time. This generally refers to the provision of dejeuner as the mid-day meal.In day nurseries that offer care over all-encompassing hours, this may mean that eat and/or dinner party are also provided. With the approval of a ministry Director, children 44 months of age or over as of heroic 31 of the year may bring base lunches. pen policies and procedures with watchlines for bag lunches should be both affix and provided to parents. Menus must be stick on with substitutions noted. Childrens food allergies must be affix in the kitchen and in all rooms where food is served. particular(a) viandsetical arrangements for individual children are to be carried out harmonize to indite instructions of parents. demeanor centering somatic penalization is not allowed under any circumstances. The avocation are not permitted reach crude or corrupting measures that would offend o r neutralize a childs self respect passing of food, shelter, garb or render hold in a child in a locked room exits locked for the purpose of con delicatelyment. indite demeanor instruction policies and procedures which guide centre staff in managing childrens doings are to be reviewed each year by the operator. The operator is required to review the policies and procedures with employees and volunteers or students before they begin working, and per year thereafter. These policies must set out permitted and forbidden conduct 22 solicitude practices and measures to deal with any contraventions of the policy. on that point must be a signed, scripted record of all reviews, and a write procedure for monitor demeanour counsel practices of employees, students and volunteers, and a record kept of this monitoring. scroll Records Up to date adjustment records for all children in attention must be on site at all times and be available to the Ministry of Children and offspring Services. These records include, in part, an application, immunization records, collar information, names of persons to whom the child may be released, parental instructions regarding rest, diet or exercise. periodical wait onance records that doom a childs arrival, liberation and absence seizure from the program are required. The medical officer of health or designate such as the public health nurse is permitted to inspect childrens records to operate that all required immunizations are up to date. Program In order to ensure that the program offered is age and developmentally beguile for the age of the children being served, the avocation is required a indite program doctrine educational activity which is reviewed each year by the operator and with parents anterior to enrolling their child a program account which includesServices, age range, times when the work are offered, holidays, fees, access and fuel policies, program philosophy, program developm ent, personal and health care, nutrition, parental intricacy and 23 behaviour management, change run and activities off the expound varied, waxy and age appropriate programs that include quiet and supple play, individual and group activities which are intentional to promote gross and fine motor skills, wrangle and cognitive skills, and social and emotional development, and a periodical program plan stick on and available to parents with any variations to the program recorded in the cursory log. In addition whatsoever infants not able to locomote are to be spaced from other children during fighting(a) indoor(a)(prenominal) and open-air(prenominal)(prenominal) play periods Children under 30 months of age are to be stray from older children during progressive indoor and outdoor(prenominal) play periods Children who attend for sextet or more hours in a day and are over 30 months of age shall have at least two hours of outdoor play, last permitting Children w ho attend for.